Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Monday, June 7, 2010

39 Weeks and Counting

Still waiting on Baby-No-Name. I'm now at 39 weeks. Not so much feeling ubber pregnant and wanting the baby out, just want to not have to go to work! I am looking forward to staying home with Gumba, and the new baby of course. Here are some things Gumba is doing now:

Still a huge fan of "swinging."

- Letting us know that he knows we don't want him to do something by shaking his head no first, and then doing it anyways. (Could their be any more "no" words in this sentance?)

- Stacking his toy animals into a tower.
- Staying occupied, sometimes for 5 minutes. This is amazing for both Husband and I. This little boy is always on the go.

- Taught him this morning the pleasure of throwing rocks in a puddle, it was a big hit.

- When we tell him we're going outside, he finds his shoes and sits on the bottom of the stairs. VERY helpful!

- Understands, at least partially, that a playground is for playing and climbing.

- Goes down slides by himself. We did have a slight mishap at Pioneer Park the other day where he did a somersault at the end, but he recovered well.

- Doesn't cry as much when we change his diaper. I think he gets it's not our favorite part of the day either.

- It only took two days to get him to sit in the bath tub. If only the no jumping on the couch rule was that easy.