- talking, cooing, smiling, trying to laugh
- smacking his lips. Grandma taught him how last time she was up
- rolling back to front, can't keep him on his back at all anymore
- liking the jumperoo just like his big brother. This morning he learned how to jump in it and is already playing with the toys
- reaching for toys and bringing them to his mouth
He has been a pretty busy little guy. Amazing how much changes so quickly.
And, now onto to Gumba, he's been a very busy little boy. He is 22 months old now, and literally doing something new everyday:
- still isn't talking, but adding new "words" and sounds everyday. He started daycare and now makes the sound of cars crashing. Did I mention the toddler room he's in has six other boys!!! No telling what he'll learn from them all next!
- timeouts, and actually sitting where he is supposed to for a minute
- big boy bed. While Grandma was here is conveniently (not) learned how to climb out of this crib. The transition has gone MUCH more smoothly then I ever imagined. He doesn't come out of his room until one of us gets him.
- Jumping off of things.
- Eating in a booster seat at the table
- Being my helper: puts dishes away, folds laundry, puts dishes in sink, gets Ba's pacifier. He's really become quite the person now.
And onto family news. I have gone back to work part time. That's going as well as can be, seeing as how I'd rather be home. I drag my feet every time I leave the house. We've all been sick, courteous of daycare I'm sure, but all on the mend. Husband finally has a truck to call his own so now we can haul our trash to do the transfer site, also something to haul his 4-wheeler around for hunting. Husband also is working with the paramedic program up here. Oh, I forgot to mention we have snow, and it's already getting pretty cold!