Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Thursday, July 14, 2011

CRM is an Amazing Kid!

What a change six months can have in a child's temperament and development.  CRM is turning out to be a really great little man.  I was wondering how he would turn out after all the hitting, pushing, biting, and all other 'ing words he shouldn't have been doing.  After trying out timeouts, a swat here and there, and raising my voice, I had had enough.  The solution?  It was so simple it's embarrassing, I turned the TV off for most of the day.  Now it's usually on during transition times: wake up, before nap and bedtime.  I've been using this strategy now for three weeks or so, and it is like night and day in my house.  The stress level went down, the kids are happier, there is less physical outbursts, and they get along much better.  OMM no longer shudders at the thought of his brother coming near him.  CRM still does things he shouldn't, he's only two and a half, but the TV had a tremendous impact on the way he behaved.  I never occurred to me it would since I don't have violent/angry shows on.  And, I am so thankful I didn't hit and scream my way to force the change.

So, here are the reasons CRM is such a fantastic kid:
- says I "yuv you mom: all the time, unprompted
- gives hugs with a squeeze, and sound effects
- says "nigh nigh mom"
- gives OMM hugs and kisses, especially when OMM is upset
- shares his toys (most of the time)
- trades pacifiers in the morning so OMM won't be too mad
- has helped feed his brother when I'm busy and can't get to him right away
- gives OMM water if he needs it
- listens pretty well now, and doesn't run into roads
- is just about through the temper tantrum stage, he may have two a week if that
- follows directions

I could go on and on, but you get the point.  He is a fantastic two and half year old and I'm having a blast watching and learning from him!