Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

So funny

Today my dogs did a very funny thing, or rather I did it to them. I was making some food with potatoes and had a few left over. I haven't mentioned this before, but I can get my dogs to eat just about any type of fruit or vegetable. I had already filled the pan and still had potatoes left over, and I thought, why not just put them in the dogs dinner, they've eaten them before. And then the funny happened. Lilie gently took each potato out of her dish and put them on the ground. Sadie found a way to leave them all in her dish and get to the dog food underneath. Once Lilie had finished her food we placed the potato's back into her bowl. Both her and Sadie proceeded to finish what they had saved, best for last right? Not a piece was left.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sorry it's Been so Long

I promise that I have tons of more stories about my pets to share. Soon, I promise.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Never in a Million Years

For those of you who don't know, I was born and raised in Alaska. So, that said, I had a funny experience last night. For the first time ever in my life I encountered someone who didn't know how to apply mosquito repellent! I just thought that was hilarious, and totally took me by surprise. I now understand that I was being pretty ignorant, and I do understand that not everyone is assaulted by biting insects at their house. That however has never been my experience.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How was your Monday...

...mine went a little like this. Woke up about 5:30am to a smell that assaulted my nose and offended my senses. I thought, the cats are pretty smelly, but definitely not this bad. I walked into the living room and right there on my real hardwood floors, Sadie had gone to the restroom, not pretty. I called for my husband to help, and got it cleaned up. Then it was off to the gym to kick my own butt for fun, and then work (ugh). So, I've been at work all day, had a terrible morning, and just wanted to relax when I walked through the door. After the morning what else could go wrong? The afternoon was even less smooth sailing then earlier. I let the dogs out (there are crated all day) and poor sweet Sadie still has the runs. Lilie starts to throw up, and Jasper (long haired cat) has poop stuck to his rumpus. I clean Jasper, get Lilie outside, and start to make dinner. Lilie comes inside, because it's not possibly for a dog to throw up for 30 minutes right? Well evidently Lilie can because she did, twice more in the house. Shawn finally gets home, and he says, Jasper has MORE poop on him, lets wash him down. So, how was your Monday? Tuesday was a little better for me.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Basics

A few facts about my "children." Sadie is our 23 month old foxhound who we love to death. We found her while in Michigan and flew her up to Alaska when we moved back. She is adorable, and a very loving, but protective dog. Leo is our almost two year old cat (also from Michigan). You will be hearing a lot about him, trust me. I'll leave it for later. Lilie is our precious black lab/german shepard(?) 15 month old. She is nothing but sweet, and gives more kisses then you really want. Lilie and Sadie are the best of friends and keep each other occupied most of the time. Jasper is our oldest child. He, like the other cat has many stories to share with you. All of the pets are pound rescued. That said, we have figured out, at least with a cats, there was a reason they were in there. I must forewarn you all that some of the stories I share may leave you with a foul taste in your mouth. I leave with you with those words of wisdom.

Just so you know

I have started this blog for the sake of my sanity. I like to call myself a mother of four, although I have no children. What I do have is two dogs and two cats, all under the age of two. Most, like my self, probably don't see the problem. You will soon see what my problem is. I didn't when I brought them all home. For now this blog is dedicated to crazy times I've had with them. If the past is any indication of the future, there will be plenty more tales to come. I hope you enjoy my pets tales, as much as this will substitute as therapy for me.