Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Holy crap it is cold here. Yesterday was bad enough, the temp hovered around -35F for most of the day, and today....get this -39F. Yes, you read that right, it is 39 degrees below zero. I'm pretty amazed at how well I'm handling it. Last year I wanted to cry. For those who are even thinking about thinking that because I was born and raised here that I should be some super woman with great genes to withstand this...there is no way. I walk outside and I swear that my body feels the need to donate all of my heat, because within 30seconds I get cold. We usually don't get weather like this until the end of January-February, and luckily it is only supposed to last about a week. For all of you out there, think warm!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yeah, sorry about that

But now I am back. I've had a few mini crisis' in the past, and I am embarrassed to say this, in the past two months. But life is good right now. I do have a few stories about the pets, which I will post over the next couple of days. The first is about Lilie's toe, or rather, her dew claw. About a month ago Lilie tore her dew claw, and I had been so wrapped up in my own dramas that who knows how long it went unnoticed. We took her the vet, who had to rip the nail away :( I can only imagine how painful that must have been. But, after a week and a half of antibiotics, her toe is growing back! Sure it is a little deformed, and we don't know what it will look like in a year, but we're happy to say that Lilie is no longer licking her toe excessively. She's feeling better!

Stay tuned, the next post will be about the cats, the dogs, and the Christmas tree.