Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Has it Really Been 5 Years?

Husband and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary on Saturday. Can it really be five years already? They sure have flown by, here's a recap:

Year 1: Moved to Michigan for paramedic school. I ended up in the Upper Peninsula for three months while Husband was down in Ann Arbor.

Year 2: Moved back to AK, bought a house.

Year 3: Bought a car for me.

Year 4: Bought another house, became landlords (not slumlords :)

Year 5: Had a baby.

And of course in between there were vacations, adopting numerous pets, and other fun, frustrating, fascinating things. Husband and I were able to go out and celebrate thanks to my mom, who was in town, and provided excellent childcare. Husband was able to see the second Transformers movie. Let's face it, some movies should be seen on a big screen, and since I haven't approved the plan for one to be built at our house, we had to go out. It was fun to be sans baby, but I was glad to get home!

All in all it's been a great five years. I'm not sure if we're any closer to figuring each other out. As the time changes, so do we. We figure we have another 65 years give or take a few to get things right. We'll have to wait and see what happens in this sixth year. Pretty hard to top the first five.

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