- He just started hitting his head while nursing. Strange I know, but the mommy forums on the net say their babes have done the same thing. Also while nursing he'll tug on his left year, and only on the left! I heart nursing. (Sorry Jenny)
- He is now turning the corners of furniture, which is a pretty big step. Before he could walk in a straight line while holding on, but then he'd have to stop.
- Pretty sure he goes after the baby gate and china cabinet for attention. When I tell him no he smiles at me then starts to shake/open it. This morning he put his arms up in preparation of being moved before I even got to him.
- His love for the vacuum. One of his friends also loves the vacuum, and cries when it gets turned off!
- Waves
- When I hold him, he finds my thumb and holds on.
- Talks to himself while riding in the car. He usually fakes a cough. I cough back and the game has begun.
- Laughs at nothing and for no reason. I wish humor came that easily to me, so does Husband.
- He goes after Lilies bling (dog tags) and she obliges. Last night Gumba was determined to get around her, and the only way to do it was to go through her. Lilie is a great dog.
There are plenty more things that just aren't coming to mind at the moment, or things I probably only find adorable. But Gumba really is the most precious thing ever. He's still relatively quiet and when we're at the station visiting Husband he snuggles on daddy's lap.
What are you're most precious memories of your precious babies?