Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oh My Gosh

You will never ever believe what Gumba can do! Nope, sorry, walking is not the right answer. On his first birthday he started "pumping" in his swing! Can you believe that? At one years old he can swing by himself! I am imagining all of the jealous mommies at the park that watch as I get to swing while Gumba is swinging, and there they are pushing their three year olds!!! Hahahahaha.

Also, last night for the first time, Gumba started to go down the stairs backwards! This is sooo exciting for me. He's been crawling up great for the past month, and now tries to launch himself onto the stairs so he can practice. However, we've had an issue with him wanting to go down head first. The stubborn little butt only got frustrated when we showed him differently. Then last night it happened, as he was crawling up the stairs, he paused, put his foot back down, then repeated! Then I stood there for five minutes as he went up and down. So needless to say, I watch and wait patiently (yeah right!) and he "masters" this new skill.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas To All!

Our "first" Christmas as a family went well. Gumba liked the gifts he received from all, even though he can't say it! So, thank you everyone! We did Christmas dinner in Fairbanks with Husbands family. For those who have never met the Fairbanks part of the family, that included 14 of us. And surprisingly, dinner was mostly on time, and we were able to get Gumba home at a reasonable hour. It was great fun.

Below I've included a couple of recent, very cute pictures of our little man. He has his one year checkup this past week and weighed in at a hefty 22lbs, 5oz and is 31inches tall. He is in the 90th percentile for height! I wonder if this trend will continue, or if he'll start working on other things like talking and walking!

Monday, December 21, 2009


One year old, can you believe it? I know he's gotten older, but a year older? No way. Husband and I had a bunch of people over yesterday to celebrate. I think Gumba had a great time. He didn't seem overwhelmed at all, must be that male selective hearing kicking in because I sure was overwhelmed. Take a look at the pics:

The cake was a homemade applesauce and banana cake with cream cheese frosting. Did you expect anything less from a wannabe hippie mom? He was a master at eating it, and everyone couldn't understand how it didn't get everywhere. What a champ!

Here he is eating his cake. Isn't he just precious!

The proud parents and birthday boy.

Our presents were a big hit with the two and under crowd, go me!

Gumba practicing rushing his cousin with a pig in his hand. That jersey spoke volumes to him! He more than once took her out. It's a good thing she has six other siblings, or else the tears would have flowed for sure. However, she was terrified of the dogs.

It's been a wonderful year, and I can't wait for all that year two will bring. We do have a great video of him eating his cake, however, it's too big to post here. Stay tuned for the YouTube link.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Husband Has Been Busy

Husband has kept himself quite busy the past couple of months, but not always doing things I wish he would. Here's a list of what he's been up to:

- Splitting the basement zone into two additional zones. This was actually a worth while project. The thermostat is in the living space, so the two bedrooms got incredibly hot during the winter, and the temperature would fluctuate wildly. Not the best scenario for little baby. Two days ago Husband finally finished with the soddering. Now all that's left are several large holes in ceilings that will need to be repaired. And even then we'll be left with parts of ceiling that are unspackled. But, I think it'll be worth it.

- Building a server for our computer. Lately Husband has been obsessed with having enough backups of our files in case world war three starts, our house burns down, and we get robbed. There are other things he could have been doing. But, once he gets his mind set on something, there really is no stopping him.

- Finally finish the patch on Gumba's wall. In September a pipe started leaking in Gumba's bedroom wall. The pipe was quickly fixed, but tonight the last (hopefully) bit of mud was put on the wall. Hopefully on Friday Gumba will be put back in his room. For the last three and a half months he's been in the guest room. Again, the hole is patched, but there will be no spackle and no paint for months, or who knows, years to come. The joys of owning your house!

- Putting a fuse in my car. This wasn't a project, but I'm totally excited about it. My car, which is only four years old, has a wiring problem in the hatch (best thing about the car). A lot of time when I opened the hatch it wouldn't latch shut. And then it got worse. Sometimes when I would use my rear windshield wipers the hatch would open, and my dashboard button wouldn't work. So we took it in, paid a bunch of money to have the wires repaired, and then my rear wipers didn't work. Husband being handy as he is (thank God) diagnosed the problem, and happened to have fuses for my car and fixed it. But seriously, how many Husbands have extra vehicle fuses laying around. I married a jack of all trades, and my garage definitely speaks to that.

Any projects going on in your lives? Other then my mother's complete remodel of her upstairs?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Turns Out I Can't Do Everything

Back in October I had this great plan to make Gumba a Halloween costume. He was going to be a penguin. That didn't happen, and I have no cute pictures of my son for his first Halloween. As Halloween approached, and I realized the costume wasn't going to get made, that maybe I had gotten in a little over my head. Turns out that having a 10 month old, who is in cloth diapers (lots of laundry, folding, etc.), who eats homemade baby food, I work 25 hours week (commute 35 minutes one way), and being pregnant, really is a lot for one person to have on their plate!

Here's the sonogram from several weeks ago, eat your heart out:

The baby is due June 14th, barring any complications, like another baby coming early. First trimester on the brink of being over, thank goodness. Trying to wrap my brain around the whole thing, I suppose it's too late to have second thoughts! Gumba will be 18 months old, so they'll be a good little bit apart. And I'll have the summer off!