Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Saturday, February 13, 2010

We Officially Have a Toddler!!!!!!

Gumba is walking! He walks way more then he crawls now. For all of you nay-sayers out there, keep the, "oh, now he's really going to be a handful" comments to yourself. Gumba is already a handful. I've gotten plenty a comment when he's crawling around about how fast he is. Best part about him walking, we no longer have to bend ALL the way over get him, he's easily 2.5 feet off the's fabulous. And, the way cute thing is, we now have to watch out for him so we don't bump him over! Who knew that would be as precious as it is. Gumba is also working on a seventh tooth, it like it's fellow brothers is taking forever to come. Now he has lopsided teeth! Hmmm, what else is new? It is finally warm outside, so we've been taking walks whenever we can. It's supposed to be in the teens for the next week! Gumba is totally enjoying it. He lays very patiently on the ground as I wrestle him into his snowsuit.

Not much else. Baby number two is moving a lot more then Gumba. I had a checkup the other day and the baby was moving around a ton because the midwife was pushing on my belly (she's new). She had a hard time tracking down the heartbeat! Husband was able to make it to the appointment on account of Gumba taking appropriate naps and the weather being warm. I'm glad he made it, because now I don't have to worry about scheduling one around him.

Oh, and we finally have a video of Gumba protesting while having his diaper changed. He totally hammed it to. But, unfortunately like all our videos, it's too long to put here. But, maybe the link will work below (he's walking in this one)


Jenny said...

Now that its getting warmer and in the teens... I think that was one of my favorite parts of this.

He is such a cutie! I love that he's nonplussed about getting whacked by a dog tail.

Anonymous said...

Connor is so much fun to watch. He is such a sweet little guy! Thank you for posting the movies on YouTube. We live so far away from you. But, yet, we get the chance to see him every day.

Aunt Cindy and Uncle Burtch