Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Family Update

Gumba-ba has changed so much in the last month. He won't stay on his back, gets up on his knees and rocks, and is becoming quite the sitter! He just turned five months old, I think we have a gifted child on our hands! This past week he's even started to balance on one hand and reach for objects with the other, it won't be long until he crawls. Unfortunately, big brother's world will shrink when he does.

Gumba is doing well. Is completely adjusted to being in a big boy bed. Thankfully he stays in his room until we get him up from bedtime or naptime. He usually opens his door when he wakes (still 5am or so) but plays until we're up. Also, he'll stay in time out...don't ask me how we got so lucky. Must be all the Super Nanny I watched really did pay off.

Right now we're having really terrible weather. We've had freezing rain since Sunday night. The roads are REALLY bad. Luckily most people have the sense to stay home and no one has gotten hurt yet. I decided to not go to work, so by the end of it, I'll have had nine days off! Who can complain about that?!?! Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

It's snowing here today, so our ice is hidden! Happy not to be on the roads! Hey,,why don't you all fly here for Christmas? Love to all..Eagle River Granny

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed the update and pictures When the weather is crappy here I look at the conditions in North Pole, then It doesn't seem so bad, Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. MLW in Iowa

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your updates, boys are really growing. Jolyn's girls are growing so fast also. We think of you all up there alot. We had our frist snow, so it looks like winter now. Keep up the updates and pictures. Love to all. Sharon in Iowa