Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'm Calling It

I'm doing it, I'm calling it, spring is here! My mom will put me in the category of crazy with all the other newbie Alaskans who don't know any better, but I don't care. We have had temps in the high 20's, low 30's for a week and a half now, the snow is slowly melting, the sun is out, our days are longer...IT'S SPRING! And yes, I realize that only in Alaska do you declare spring when the temps are in the 20s! It has been wonderful. I've taken the boys outside to play and get fresh air every day; we've been to the park and CRM has played on the playground, gone down the slides, and even swung on the big boy swings! He is getting so grown up, well, for a two year old. I've been most amazed at how well he leaves the playground. Very minimal crying, but not tantrums, kicking or screaming, and running away from me. It'll be really great next year when I don't have to lug OMM around, 16lbs gets heavy, especially after an hour.
With spring here, it means the semester is almost over, which means Husband's job at the university will be on hiatus until September. This means we get much much more of him! The boys are missing him, and so am I. It's been a rough three months. Summer is going to be so awesome!
CRM is growing every day in every way. It's no wonder every parent of a two year old thinks their kid is a genius. There is such rapid development and he changes every day. He still isn't saying much we can understand, but what he understands is unbelievable. CRM picks up things so fast now.
OMM is still a movin' and a shakin'. Not much slows him down. The biggest development is how much he enjoys watching and interacting with his big brother. He lets CRM chase him around and giggling and laughing abound.
Husband and I took the kids to the Ice Park last week. CRM had a great time on the ice slides. This year they had a "train" (4-wheeler pulling carts) at the park, so we took a ride and saw all the sculptures the easy way. CRM thought it was a lot of fun. Check out the website to see more, it really is a sight to behold: I'll post pics sometime.
You all take care and enjoy the coming spring. Get outside and enjoy the fresh air!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

That Explains a Lot

Remember how I said OMM was waking a bunch and crying? Turns out it's because he had an ear infection. Mom of the year award I know. It also turned out CRM had an ear infection as well, only his was in both ears. We had them both feeling well, or so I thought. CRM did really well on the antibiotics, but OMM was still pretty grouchy a couple days after finishing the antibiotics. Husband looked in his ears, and 'lo and behold the ear infection was back as bad. I was off again to the doctors office for the third time in two weeks. OMM is now on a stronger, horrible tasting antibiotic for ten days. Let's hope that although he spits some of it out it works this time.

Update on CRM not talking very much:

CRM has never talked very much. The pediatrician had us referred to an early intervention group who kept recommending we take him to an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor (ENT). We resisted until I got really worried because I realized how far behind his peers he was. The ENT took some X-rays and his adenoids are HUGE, and he is basically impacted with gunk everywhere. CRM is now on a super strong antibiotic to try and get the crap to clear up. We may be looking at tubes. We'll know more after the 28th when we take him for a recheck. Husband and I both think there's already an improvement in his speech after just seven days on the antibiotic. I hope it helps, it would great to understand him. CRM is trying so hard to communicate and tell us stories. It's really sad and frustrating for us all. CRM getting ahold of a pen. At least it wasn't on the walls!

My poor boys!