Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Friday, April 22, 2011

To Those In Iowa

CRM, OMM, and I can't wait for our visit in two weeks! Sharon, we are so excited to see you! And, if your reading this, since I don't have your email address, I am sending out a world wide web question for you: Do you, or anyone you know have a playpen that we could borrow while we're in IA for OMM?
It'll be so nice to open the front door and let the boys roam and play. CRM will have a blast exploring everything the farm has to offer, and OMM will enjoy all the space to walk. Yes, I said walk! A week before he turned 10 months old he took his first steps. Now a week later he's worked up to walking a couple feet, and is walking about 20% of the time. It'll be a lot of fun to have two boys walking this summer. Less dirt of OMM and less holding him. He's getting pretty heavy to lug around now.
Today Husband and I took the boys for their first bike ride. We bought this great bike stroller and it's perfect! To top it off it wasn't even all that expensive. CRM was laughing with delight when we first started off. It'll be great to bike the fire station to visit Husband. I'll get a work out and the boys will have a great time.
And just to leave you guys with uber cuteness!!! Because, sorry all, I really do have the cutest kids EVER!
OMM enjoying some brother free time. Music anyone?
"Trees" An abstract art demo by CRM, he finds sticks and puts them in the snow. Pretty cleaver I think.
The wagon I just bought. CRM pulls it around outside, and sometimes he's kind enough to take OMM for a ride. CRM is becoming quite the amazing little boy and big brother.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

CRM's Surgery

CRM had his adenoids removed and tubes put in on Tuesday morning. He was a champ. We had to get up at 6am to get to the hospital on time. All through pre-OP he waited patiently and was very polite to all the nurses. CRM looked so cute in his hospital gown and being welled around in the wagon. Unfortunately I forgot the camera so no pictures. He was quite the bear after waking up, but was pretty easy to manage; he mostly sat on my lap and cried. However, all was made better when Elmo came on Sesame Street. We left the hospital four hours after arriving, and today CRM is back to his good old self.
A very very big thanks to my mom who flew up to help me with OMM. Husband is still very busy with work and it has made cooridinating all of CRM's need a lot easier. Mom's are great!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cute Video of CRM at Ice Park

My little man is soooo cute! Ignore the coughing, he's prone to illness.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

So I lied - pics from the ice park!

Corralling two boys is not easy. You can see the displeasure on both of their faces.
Fish slide.

Crawling through an ice tunnel. CRM had a blast in it. Husband and I were surprised he didn't get scared.

Having Issues with Blogger

Sorry to all who read this blog expecting pics of my adorable, cute, little rascals. Unfortunately, google has a javascript issue and has not fixed it and other people have the same issue. I can post blogs but cannot upload pics or video. It looks like it's an issue stemming all the way back to February for some who knows how long until it gets fixed. I'll still post, but for now pics are a no go. I'm really saddened by this :(