Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

There's a Reason, I Promise

You haven't heard from me in awhile because I've been out of town. I went to MN and IA with both boys and my parents to visit their families. It was quite the adventure, which started four hours before we left for the airport, OMM was diagnosed with an ear infection. During the trip the infection re flared, I had a weird scary bruise after the long plane ride, and my dad feel out of his bed. The day after we landed it was 95 degress, and the following days it cooled to a nice 85 degrees. Somehow I managed to not sunburn the kids.
However, the trip was a great success with the great-grandmas getting to meet their youngest great grand kids. CRM had a blast running on my maternal grandmother's farm. Think six acres of grass, plus another 120 of corn. And CRM slept above and beyond all my wildest expectations.
OMM did okay. Between the ear infection, sleeping in the same room as everyone, and just being unhappy meeting dozens of new people, he was a pretty unhappy kid. I was lucky to get a couple of interrupted hours of sleep a night.
But, all in all, I'm glad I took the kids, but am happy to not have to do it again!


Anonymous said...

Lisa, was so nice to see you and the boys, they are such sweeties!! I can't imagine traveling with two little ones on a plane that far.
You have to be commended for your courage. Good thing Dad and Mom were there also. I talked to Granny the other day, she was still talking about getting to see the little ones and you all. Sometimes it's pretty hard, but you did a very important thing.
Hope you have a great summer. We have had cool to cold temps since you left. That was the only time it has been that hot here so far.
Sorry about that!!!
Tell everyone Hi and we loved seeing you. Cousin Sharon

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your visit. The picture of your son throwing dirt is great. Hope you had a good time.