Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We Have A Walker!

OMM is walking full time now! He took his first steps three weeks ago and hardly crawls anymore. OMM is also climbing, on any thing he can get his legs up on. So far he's got onto the coffee table, into the toy box, up on a child's chair, and even managed get on top of the baby walker we have. CRM takes after Husband's side of family, OMM mine. Boy do we have our hands full with these two!
CRM continues to improve since his surgery. We notice differences almost daily. The biggest so far has to be the improvement in his night time sleep. I had NO idea toddlers should sleep through the night. Honestly, CRM was waking three to four times a night and I'd have to go downstairs to find pacifiers and tuck him back in. Since the surgery he's waking up once a night every third night or so!!! I am consistently getting a five hour stretch of sleep in each night. And of course CRM is "speaking" more. He has "conversations" and is repeating everything we're saying, something he never did. It's been great. And, he doesn't mind having to wear ear plugs, which I thought was going to be a struggle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are looking forward to your visit here and our trip to the midwest. Luckily we have a fenced yard and all of our child locks are still working! MLW doesn't have child locks but with five adults and CRM's big brother watchfull eyes, we should be able to keep OMM out of trouble!

AK RR open house is this weekend. Free train rides and face painting! CRM will love it!

Love to all!
Eagle River Granny