Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

You're One OMM!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear OMM, happy birthday to you!

OMM had a fabulous bday party.  His Ahma, my mother, came up from ER, Husband's parents, and his sister with her seven children came out.  One of my good friends also came out with her husband and his four year old boy.  The play area Husband has been working on was a HUGE hit and all ages enjoyed themselves.  OMM first bday cake was a homemade carrot cake with homemade cream cheese frosting.  I could have ate the frosting by the truckload, it was amazing.  OMM seemed to enjoy it as well!  We had great weather and the mosquitoes subsided for a little so we could all enjoy being outside.

Here are the wonderful, fabulous things OMM is doing:
1 Going down the stairs.  Hopefully the days of tumbling down are behind us.
2 Running, everywhere, but mostly from his older brother!
3 His first tooth came in, three days after he turned one, and I think he's getting a second one in.
4 Likes to be read to and can turn pages.
5 "Reads" books to himself.  Pretty cute listening to his dialogue.
6 Bends and tears pages in brother's books, so only board books for the kids these days!
7 Throwing a ball.
8 Manipulating large objects around obstacles.
9 Climbing up on rocking chair and couch.

I'm sure there's plenty more but that's all that's coming to mind.  It's crazy to think that this time last year I was overwhelmed with two babies, and this year I'm enjoying them playing and laughing with each other.  Every parent should have at least two kids just to get the satisfaction of seeing their children interact.  It is so joyful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday OMM, can't believe you are one already. Was so good to see you this past spring, hope we see you again.
Love your blog,LM, keep it coming, enjoy your little ones. All of our kids are coming home this week-end for a farm camp out!!! We are really looking forward to it.
Love to all, Cousin Sharon