Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Friday, October 26, 2012

Just Around the Cornor

My first born is almost four.  I can hardly believe it.  I know it's two months away, but still, four years is A LOT closer then 3, or 3 1/2.  Yikes.  It's somewhat unbelievable that sleepless nights were that long ago, or that he was just learning to crawl, and then we were excited he started to walk.  Let's not forget the teeth and the solid food!  And then I fast forward to the present, and well no wonder it doesn't seem like four years because I did it all over 2 1/2 years ago, and am doing it again right now!  I guess that's the thing with having three kids in 3 1/2 years, once you get one out of a stage, there is another one following closely.

There are perks though to having an almost four year old. His temper has really "mellowed," well as much as boys can :) He keeps his hands to himself a lot more now. He also is making good choices more then bad. He loves saying I love you, giving hugs and kisses. He still likes to snuggle. He helps his brothers.  His speech is getting better everyday.  But I have a running joke with the speech therapist that I'm really pulling for an "r"!

And here is my 2 1/2 year following in the footsteps of his older brother.  Unfortunately for my ears, his terrible twos are manifesting in whining, not in temper tantrums.  I think I prefer the yelling!  His speech is also delayed, however it's due more to his stubbornness and not due to hearing issues like his older brother.  Just the last couple of weeks he has begun to repeat most of what I, and his older brother, say.  He now says two colors: bue (blue) and wewwow (yellow), and currently trying to remember eeen (green)!  He is super busy and a daredevil.  The newest adventure is jumping down the stairs.  He's going to kill me!  He thinks he can keep up with #1.

My baby!!!  He will be six months old next week. NOOOOOOOO.  I swear with #1 every new milestone was exciting because he was the first.  With #2 is was a little less novel, but he did everything so fast.  With this one I don't want him to grow up!!!!  I can't believe he could be eating solid food already.  That he can roll over and do pushups.  That he is getting his first tooth.  That he will be crawling at some point.  It just can't be!  I want to bottle him up and never let him out.  He LOVES his brothers and is such a good sport with them.  He doesn't even mind if they stand on him, it's great.  He is just precious.  And soon enough he'll be moving at the speed of light like the others and then I'll be nostalgic for those sleepless nights all over again.


Jenny said...

What cute little boys! Just be like me and call them baby until they go to kindergarten and then you won't have to worry about them growing up too fast. :)

Anonymous said...

Your boys are adorable!!!!
I really enjoy your blogs. Keeps my in touch with your all up there.
When I read your blogs about your 3 boys, I think of Jolyn with her 3 little ones, she really gets into some interesting situations!!!
Funny for me to read, she will enjoy laughing in years to come as will you.
Love to all, cousin Sharon

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Those grandsons of mine are growing way too fast! Glad they like the outdoors as much as you all did when you were little. Am excited about your visit in November. Gail said Jackson is already looking forward to a wrestling re-match with Connor. I'm thinking they're a year older, so maybe not..? Love from Eagle River