Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Spring is here, spring is here, spring is....well, I think it's here!  This has been one, long, hard, dark, winter.  It has been insane.  It's been cold, so, so very cold, for so, so, very long.  And then April came, and it was supposed to be warmer, but it wasn't.  Now, we've finally gotten some spring temps and the snow is melting!  Yea!  Except for, it snowed in Anchorage today, and we're supposed to get snow tomorrow, and Monday they are predicting a high of below freezing, 28F.  What the heck? 

This winter there were so many times I looked outside, seeing the dark, did I mention the cold? and wondering what in the world the pioneers of this place were thinking.  They would have arrived in the summer and then worked their a$$es off to cut enough wood and to build a house to survive the winter.  And then they did the strangest thing, they stayed.  Maybe it was to difficult to think about doing the trek back home, it couldn't have been easy getting here in the first place.  These first people, especially the women, rocked, and were super strong. 

So, back to spring.  Sunday we unpacked the bikes and did our first family bike ride!  Husband pulled #2 and #3 in the bike trailer, #1 rode his own bike!!!  And I rode my own as well.  #1 did AWESOME!  He followed all of our rules and did an amazing job.  The next day he wanted to go again and it was just me with all three kiddos because Husband was working.  And again, he did great!  He rode 1.3 miles, which doesn't seem like much, but it was just his second ride of the season and he is just 4, pretty good huh?! 

It's been wonderful getting everyone outside once, maybe twice a day, and they are really enjoying it.  They've been coming in wet from all the puddle jumping.  Let's hope this weather continues and that the forecasters are wrong (once again!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that you're bike riding, who will help me walk the dogs when we visit?

We have about ten inches of snow on the ground but the streets are dry so have been able to get out with the dogs the last two days. So nice to walk without ice!

Love you all..ER Granny