Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How was your Monday...

...mine went a little like this. Woke up about 5:30am to a smell that assaulted my nose and offended my senses. I thought, the cats are pretty smelly, but definitely not this bad. I walked into the living room and right there on my real hardwood floors, Sadie had gone to the restroom, not pretty. I called for my husband to help, and got it cleaned up. Then it was off to the gym to kick my own butt for fun, and then work (ugh). So, I've been at work all day, had a terrible morning, and just wanted to relax when I walked through the door. After the morning what else could go wrong? The afternoon was even less smooth sailing then earlier. I let the dogs out (there are crated all day) and poor sweet Sadie still has the runs. Lilie starts to throw up, and Jasper (long haired cat) has poop stuck to his rumpus. I clean Jasper, get Lilie outside, and start to make dinner. Lilie comes inside, because it's not possibly for a dog to throw up for 30 minutes right? Well evidently Lilie can because she did, twice more in the house. Shawn finally gets home, and he says, Jasper has MORE poop on him, lets wash him down. So, how was your Monday? Tuesday was a little better for me.


Jenny said...

Lisa, that is gross. I have cleaning up barf and poop. I hope those animals get their acts together soon for your sake!

Jenny said...

I meant HATE not have

Anonymous said...

wow, i know how this is. a day dedicated to excretions from both ends!