Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Monday, September 17, 2007

Back to it

Okay, so I know that I've been absent, basically for the life of this blog, but I'm back. And here it is, right down to the nitty gritty. This morning Sadie had another accident on the floor, I know, again, there seems to be a pattern to this. So, my husband and I get that all cleaned up, and to work we go. I come home (he of course will not be) and I find that Sadie has popped in her kennel. Now, I want you to know that yes, I do in fact feel for her. For a dog to defecate in their personal space, where they can't get away, I know that she wasn't feeling well. However, I do feel for myself as well. And I feel bad for myself because now I have to go wash the blankets and kennel in the front yard in the rain, then bring the dripping wet mess inside and wash the blankets in the washer. All of this and a not so good day at work...what will be next?

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