Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Allergic to Avocados

Gumba is allergic to avocados, a food that is listed as a "first" food for baby because of it's mildness and low likelihood of being an allergen, go figure. I fed him avocado about six weeks ago with no adverse affect. Then two weeks later I gave him a little more and he threw up for the first time. I didn't know if the avocado was an allergen for Gumba, or if it was just a bad avocado. So today my MIL gave him a little bit, and wallah, the goodness of a puking baby occurred. So, no more avocado's in his future anytime soon. I was looking on line about avocado allergies and each site mentioned that latex allergies are closely related to avocados. How unlucky is that? We'll have to make sure to mention this to the pediatrician and see what she says. I'll be getting up a few more times tonight to make sure the little bugger won't become dehydrated...go me for getting even less sleep then I have!


Anonymous said...

Is Connor allergic or does he just not like them? Enjoyed your card.

Lisa said...

He's allergic, the vomitting starts three hours after he's had the avocado.