Gumba is my parents first grandchild, and therefore holds a special place in their hearts. The day he was born they drove up to Fairbanks in -40F weather to see him. My mother, Gumba's maternal grandmother is great. Before Gumba was born she came up and helped me wash, fold, and sort clothes. She made many meals that we froze. She additionally has come up to visit many times. In doing so she has kept him company so I can take a little break. She too has sat for us many times. My father thinks Gumba is the best looking kid ever (I agree!). Gumba loves his grandfather and always gives him a big smile when he walks through the door.
Below are Gumba's grandparents. I discovered that we don't have any currents photos of Gumba with his paternal grandfather. This will be remedied at tomorrows barbecue. Celebrate your grandparents!
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