Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Glimpse

I saw a glimpse of my future today, scary. I watched Gumba crawl around the house for an hour. He was busy checking out everything. Up, down, up, down, up down. To the oven, up, down, up down. To the table, up, down, up down. To the china cabinet, up, down, up, down. Panting loudly as he went. Proud of how much he's able to do. Not wanting to be held, wants his own space. As I watched him crawl I realized that in a short while this was only going to get harder once he starts to walk. Gumba will move so much faster, which means I'll have to be much more diligent. I can't believe how big he is, how grown up he already seems, and he's only nine and half months old. This too doesn't even seem possible. How is it that a year has almost passed?


Jenny said...

Good luck with the baby proofing. I think calling poison control on your newly mobile baby is a special rite of passage. Well, it is for me anyway...

Yay for babies learning new skills!

Lisa said...

So far so good. I keep telling Husband he needs to put child locks on our sink cabinets. Hopefully that will be done soon.

Anonymous said...

Lisa I know it is hard to believe how fast they grow. This is where they say enjoy them now because they will grow up fast. The changes you see each day is designed to build onto the next. You are right it is really something to see happen before your very eyes. Gooseman