Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Support Vaccines

I don't normally get involved in this kind of thing but it's something I must share my thoughts on. Even though I feel passionate about many things, I usually share my thoughts with those who are like minded, and my husband...a great debater I am not, and plus, it's easier. I believe in getting vaccines. Gumba gets vaccinations as will all of our children. They are a GREAT idea. Who wants their child to get a life threatening illness or worse die of whooping cough, measles, mumps, polio, or anything else preventable? And yes, that is the point of vaccines, to prevent serious illness and death. Here are few of the most common reasons people don't want to vaccinate their child:

- "Vaccinations cause autism." There are SO many studies that discount this. And, have a little more faith that their isn't a huge conspiracy to hurt your children. Why would someone lie? Yes, scientists are people too, and they have also have children. It's their job to find these things out. I should know.

- "My kids just aren't going to get them; all the other kids out there are." However, you are putting my child at risk. You are putting INFANTS at risk of death. You are putting the ELDERLY and those with other illnesses at risk. You are putting those, who can't get vaccines because of real medical causes, at risk. You are truly putting others at risk.

- "Too many too soon." Our immune system is BOMBARDED hundreds of times a day with foreign microbes. Our immune system is designed to fight these things. That's why immunizations are so successful.

I've added a few pod casts that have great information in them about vaccinations. If you choose to listen, which I hope you do, please do so with an open heart and mind. I know I seek out other people with differing opinions to hear their side, and see if I can be persuaded, even if I'm not always so open to share my opinion.

The podcast at Science Friday is on the upper left hand corner:

Lets Kill The Children or A Defense of Vaccines

Taking Our Medicine

Shot of Fear

Recurrent Fever

I do worry if I'm doing the right thing each time Gumba gets a vaccination, but I firmly believe that the benefits far out weigh any risk. Living is risk in its self, yet we all strive to live our lives as fully as we can.


Carina said...

I'll add another one to the mix:

"Ruining it for the rest of us" was an episode of This American Life that included a segment on the recent measles outbreak in California. It's a fantastic story of what happens when parents decide not to immunize.

Lisa said...

Thanks Azucar, I will definately have to check that out.