Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Roller Coaster Ride - Gumba Update

Where's Gumba!

My precious first born has us on a roller coaster ride. It seems that he sleeps well for several weeks, then the next couple he doesn't. We are currently plummeting to our deaths. Gumba has been waking several times in the night to fuss loudly for no apparent reason, then starts my day at 5am. I say mine because let's be honest, Daddy's don't just jump out of bed that early in the morning, or at least Gumba's doesn't. This morning Husband got home from work at 9am and said good morning to Gumba and I, and I informed him it's actually our afternoon already. The last several days Gumba has fussed during his second nap as well, but it seems today he may have fallen asleep...keep your fingers crossed!
He are several cute things Gumba is doing now, all of which I think are indicators that he doesn't have autism. For those who know me well, I am a pessimist at heart, so this whole autism thing has been on my mind a lot:

- Comes to me, turns around, and then sits in my lap! It is one of the more precious things.
- Lets me read books to him! From beginning to end!
- Will go up to the dogs and gently lay his head on them to snuggle. Dogs don't appreciate this too much, but we're working with them.
- Laughs when we, or people on TV laugh (yeah, he's picking up social cues!)
- Smiles at me while I'm nursing him down for bedtime
- Started to bounce on the changing table when he's standing, and I'm holding him
- Likes to be tickled
- Understands "I'm going to get you" and crawls away, really fast
- Will rarely take two steps towards me when not holding onto furniture. This walking thing is taking way longer then I thought it would.
- Still gets very excited when I come home from work

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like lack of sunlight, lack of sleep, and the pregnancy hormone tap dance are getting to you! Turn the baby monitor off, put some ear plugs in, and get yourself a good night's sleep! Our little big man is doing just fine in spite of his erratic sleep pattern....maybe because of it!! Love you all!! Eagle River Granny