Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Friday, July 2, 2010

Welcome to the World Gum-ba-ba

We welcomed our second son on June 17th. He weighed in at a healthy 8lbs 13oz and was 20 inches long. I got the birth I wanted, sort of...we had the baby at the birth center as planned, a water birth as planned, but it was a FAST birth, which was unplanned. I went to work that day, feeling a little "weird" having what I thought was more Braxton Hicks contractions, which I've been having since week 29. I was adamant I wasn't going to waste any of my leave so I stayed at work. At some point I decided that instead of working I'd rather be at home taking a nap (my Mom was up taking care of Gumba), so I finished up some of my unfinished business at work. I left work around 11am, ran a few errands, and was home around noon. I called Husband at 12:45 telling him something might be happening, still wasn't sure, and that I'd call him later. At 1pm I told him to get home. We arrived at the birth center at 2pm, and Gum-ba-ba was born at 3:08. Talk about a fast birth. We all got home at 7:30pm that same day and have been home ever since.

Things are going well here. Everyone is still adjusting to having a new baby around. Gumba is doing amazingly well, he really likes his little brother and we haven't really had any jealousy issues. New baby is doing what new babies do, eating and pooping, and keeping us awake at night. Husband keeps telling me to remember that he's brand new to the world, and at some point in time he will sleep at night. Husband goes to work tomorrow, so it'll be my first time managing two kids at once. We'll see if I survive!


Anonymous said...

Love the baby's name, he is really cute, my last baby was 8#14 1/2 oz, and she is my smallest child now.Hope you are all doing good. Take care, they grow so fast, we will have new grandbaby in 4 weeks. Can't wait. Love, Sharon from Iowa

Anonymous said...

Sweet little baby boy!

Love, Aunt Cindy