Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Another year is done, and another beginning. This was a pretty hectic year for the McGilvary's, especially with the addition of a new baby with a toddler in the house. Somehow we've all found a way to survive, and hopefully thrive.

Gumba is doing well. He is starting to speak a little now. At last count he has about 15 words that we can understand. We're going to put in him in speech therapy for a little bit to see if someone else can encourage him to say more. I think it may help cut down on the temper tantrums...or, at least I can hope! Gumba is still adjusting to having this other life take up the time I used to dedicate solely to him. He's good most the time, but has his moments. Gumba is pretty good at giving his brother a binky, or toy if he wants one. He is still a busy, busy bee, running around the house, moving from one activity to another. Luckily he like to read, and he choice in books is expanding so I'm not as bored!
Gumba-ba is doing really well. He is crawling all over the place, pulling up on things, and even beginning to let go and reach for other stuff. I have no idea when he'll start walking, but it seems it'll be sooner then Gumba did. At six months he amazes his father and I. We're started the cry-it-out sleep training, or as I prefer to call it, the scream-it-out. "Ba" was waking every hour at night, and I just couldn't deal with it after two months of zero sleep. It's going okay, way better then with Gumba, and that's a blessing. We had a rough night last night with the fire works, so onto a new night. I still have nursing him twice a night, my goal is to get him to sleep better, not starve him!
Our biggest news though is that I am leaving my job January 14th to stay home!!!!! I am so excited for this new chapter to begin. I keep dreaming about not dropping babies off at daycare, not going to work, running home, making dinner, putting kids in bed, then trying to crash myself. I see myself getting to take a nap when both boys take their afternoon naps. It's going to be amazing. This is all thanks to my wonderful husband who has picked up another job so that I can stay home. He's found a job that will require him to work three more days a month, and it's one he'll like, so a win-win all around. I can't wait!
Everyone take care and keep commenting! It's great to know there are those out there who read the words I write and it's not a waste of time.


Anonymous said...

I like your family picture by the Christmas tree. Hope 2011 is a good year for you. MLW in Iowa

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you all. That is wonderful news about staying home, Jolyn stays home and just loves it with her two girls.
It will be so nice that you don't have to get out in the cold with the little ones. Keep blogging, I love reading it. Have a great 2011!
Love, Sharon and Jay

Tasha and Chuck said...

Wow Lisy, that tree is just your style. totally made me laugh. Best of luck sleeping and getting to stay how with the family no more lab!