Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Sickness Has It's Grip

I have been sick going on two weeks now. It's an awful sick too, really sore throat, swollen tonsil (that's right, just one), stiff achy neck, bad cough. To top it off Husband has been away quite a bit so it's been up to me raise the kids while sick. Now Gumba (herein referred to as CRM) has it. Last night I gave up my bed and slept on the couch so that he (really we) would get some sleep. Today wasn't too bad. Only bad part is he gets so worked up over coughing that he cries, and then throws up. I can't wait for this phase to pass. This boy throws up a lot.

Gumba-ba (herein referred to as OMM) is doing well. We finally have him sleeping well at night, now I'm trying to get him to take naps during the day. He's not too happy that I put him in a crib in his own room. Pretty sure that OMM is teething, not sure how long it's going to last. He's been really fussy lately and wants to nurse all the time. Luckily he is still a happy baby that likes to smile.

Tonight was a lot of fun. CRM was entertaining OMM and both were laughing and playing a lot. It would be nice to get it on film, but, as we all know if the camera comes out the fun and games end and all attention is diverted to said camera. So, you'll have to remember when you had kids and how much fun it was to watch them play together. If you don't have kids, think of something lovely.

Oh, and I should mention how amazing my Husband is. This week we gave me a pass for the evening and I went to a hotel for the night. It worked out well because it gave me some much needed sleep from being sick and miserable. So, thank you wonderful Husband who is working a ton and supporting our family, you're the best!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like that sickness is all over, we have had grandkids with it also, seems to last a while.
So far 5 have had it.
We had a nice week last week, 50-60temps, but reality is back, 20's this week and freezing rain and snow. Guess winter isn't over yet.
Hope everyone gets better, think of you often. Love, Sharon in Iowa

Anonymous said...

It doesn't sound like your house is much fun right now. Hope it warms soon. Got your card the other day, thanks. mlw