Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

That Explains a Lot

Remember how I said OMM was waking a bunch and crying? Turns out it's because he had an ear infection. Mom of the year award I know. It also turned out CRM had an ear infection as well, only his was in both ears. We had them both feeling well, or so I thought. CRM did really well on the antibiotics, but OMM was still pretty grouchy a couple days after finishing the antibiotics. Husband looked in his ears, and 'lo and behold the ear infection was back as bad. I was off again to the doctors office for the third time in two weeks. OMM is now on a stronger, horrible tasting antibiotic for ten days. Let's hope that although he spits some of it out it works this time.

Update on CRM not talking very much:

CRM has never talked very much. The pediatrician had us referred to an early intervention group who kept recommending we take him to an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor (ENT). We resisted until I got really worried because I realized how far behind his peers he was. The ENT took some X-rays and his adenoids are HUGE, and he is basically impacted with gunk everywhere. CRM is now on a super strong antibiotic to try and get the crap to clear up. We may be looking at tubes. We'll know more after the 28th when we take him for a recheck. Husband and I both think there's already an improvement in his speech after just seven days on the antibiotic. I hope it helps, it would great to understand him. CRM is trying so hard to communicate and tell us stories. It's really sad and frustrating for us all. CRM getting ahold of a pen. At least it wasn't on the walls!

My poor boys!


Anonymous said...

Seems like there has been a lot of ear infections this winter, we had several grand kids with ear infection, and in both ears also.
We are finally seeing a little glimps of spring, can't wait, tired of snow and cold.
Take care and hang in there. love from Iowa Sharon

Ree-ch said...

Ear infections are the worst! We took Norah in for an checkup and MD found she had an ear infection, and we didn't even know because there was no temp and she was happy. Now I don't know how to tell.