Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Other then the lammo fishing, it was a lot of fun.  The boys were pretty well behaved, with my sister and brother there we had lots of helping hands.

Additionally I found out my mom can be sneaky.  She devised this plan to have Husband drive her car back to NP so that I could hangout longer with the boys!  I stayed five additional days between camp and her house in ER.  I would have stayed a bit longer but I had a prior engagement I had to get back for.  Mom stayed here for five days and even watched the boys for 2 days all by herself so that Husband and I could go out to moose camp to pick blueberries.  With all the warm weather, all the berries ripened early and people were picking while I was gone.  It was great to get away, and while I was gone, mom helped to night wean #3, so now I get to sleep through the night!

#1 and #2 displaying a before (#1) and after (#2) eating fresh blueberry pancakes!  It was mandatory payment for leaving them.  Although I'm pretty sure they didn't even notice.

1 comment:

bonnie said...

Your mom is pretty wonderful!