Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Mom's Vacation

So, it turns out that raising four boys is hard, hard work.  And while I do enjoy it, sometimes, this June I needed a break.  My mom mentioned a steal on tickets to Anchorage, and luckily Husband's schedule worked out and I was able to fly with just the littlest one and visited my mom and siblings.  It was AWESOME.  To be honest, I didn't really know what to do with my free time.  Mom was going to watch the baby for me so I could get a break. 
I decided I wanted to do the things I never had the time or money for, so my sister Jenny and I decided to wing it.  First, we drove to Girdwood to tour the "Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center."  We had a good time, and on our way to taking the aerial tram in Girdwood (pics below) we stopped off for pizza.

While at the top of Girdwood I picked up a really good non-fiction book, "Beyond the Bear."  The copy I picked up happened to be the only signed copy in the store.  I very rarely buy books at full price, but I took it as a sign and bought it.  I was not disappointed.  It was one of the best written books I've ever read.  I finished it within days and left it for my mom and sister to read.
In addition to the conservation center and tram, I also went shopping and ate at a restaurant, sans kids.  It was a really nice three days, and I was glad to get back to my family.  Husband did a good job keeping the fort together.  He even vacuumed before I got back.  I hate walking into a dirty house!


Summertime has been flowing by at a record pace.  I'm not sure where it has gone.  In fact, I was telling Husband earlier today, that while I know we've been busy, we definitely don't have much to show for it.  I've only taken the boys to the park a couple of times and just two measly walks, one of which we were flooded out.  It sucks. 

On the bright side the boys are having a good time, doing what, is any bodies guess.  They play a lot outside, riding bikes, swinging, playing in rocks and dirt, and bothering each other; so that passes the time.

I could probably blame it on the weather.  We had record breaking rainfall for the month of June, and we are just 1/4 inch away from tying the record for July.  My garden has suffered greatly.  My tomatoes and squash have either barely grown, or have outright died.  Evan my broccoli hasn't faired so well.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Evan's Birth Story - Long!

Evan James McGilvary was born on February 19, 2014 at 7:57pm.  He weighed 10lbs 13oz, 22 inches long!
My official due date was February 15th.  By the 19th, I felt as though I had been in pre-labor for two weeks; I would have mild discomfort off and on, mostly intermittently, late at night.  On the 10th I had a little bloody show with mild cramping and thought that maybe, just maybe, this baby would be coming in early.  My excitement about not being pregnant anymore quickly turned to panic since my mom wouldn't be coming until the 11th.  Much to Shawn's dismay, I pretty much pretended that nothing was happening.  Finally, in the evening, I arranged for Shawn's niece to stay the night so we'd have someone here to watch the other three kids, just in case.  That night I had a small contraction about once an hour.  The next morning my mom arrived, and we were all ready!
The 11th came and went.  Then the 12th.  My due date came, then went.  The only thing happening were contractions at night, again, once an hour or so.  During the day I was uncomfortable, which wasn't surprising considering I was 40 weeks, and each day that passed, I was one more +1.  I had an appointment with the midwives on the 17th.  We discussed checking if I was dilated at all, but eventually we came to the same conclusion I have always had in the past; what's the point of checking?  All it tells you is you're not in fact labor, and that you don't in fact know when you'll go into labor.  So we went home.
On February 14th I felt like the babies movement had slowed way down and was worried.  Shawn and I went over to the "Woman's Center" at the hospital to have a nonstress test (NST) done just to make sure.  I kid you not, after feeling hardly any movement all day, the moment I get onto the bed the baby starts dancing.  We passed the test with flying colors all is well!  It was after all Valentine's Day, my mom was putting the kids to bed, so, we had a romantic meal in the hospital cafeteria.  Classy!
 I can't explain why, but on the 19th I was just over it.  I wanted answers.  I was 40+4.  I was tired.  I was tired of having contractions at night that disappeared during the day.  I was over it.  That morning Shawn and I headed to the birth center to talk with the midwives.  I asked Vanessa to check me, knowing full well it didn't mean anything, but I wanted answers!  This was the first check I ever had prior to being in labor, so, it was a big deal for me.  Vanessa informed me that I was "dilated to 4cm, 50% effaced, with bulging waters."  She was confident that I would be having a baby "sometime today."  The news was great, but I was a little apprehensive because Shawn was supposed to work that night for a coworker and it looked like I was ruining those plans.  I didn't want him to not work, especially if I didn't go into labor.  Vanessa said that she could do a membrane sweep, which would bring me to 6cm, and would for sure put me in labor by nighttime.  So, for the first time ever, I had an intervention and consented to the sweep.  If was a tough decision.
Shawn and I left the birth center excited and decided to grab lunch since mom was at home watching the kids.  We ate, discuss what the night would hold, trying to guess when I would go into labor.  Northing progressed at lunch and I decided I'd be more comfortable at home waiting for things to start.  At 4:30 I was starting to get uncomfortable, but contractions weren't consistent.  At 5:00 we called the birth center.  I didn't want to "cry wolf" and waste the midwives time/evening, but they said I should come in and "hang out, watch a movie."
Between 5:30 and 6:30 I had contractions ranging from 6-10 minutes apart, and about 20 seconds long.  Vanessa was going to be the midwife assisting me, and I learned from a previous birth that she's pretty low key and is more of an observer.  I told her I was sorry for wasting her time, and she reiterated that I was going to have a baby, and with my past history, it would be that night.  I expressed my worry that my labor with this one could be totally different then the last two, and I would be in active labor forever.  She kindly smiled and said she'd be back later. 
Shawn and I decided to watch, "The Amazing Spiderman," mostly because we were going to watch, "Burn Notice," but we discovered he had brought the wrong season.  He had to keep pausing the movie in-between my contractions so we wouldn't miss anything. After 35 minutes (movie time, not actual time) I got up to walk around and felt my water break.  I remember just standing there, water running down my leg, me still wearing socks and pants.  I didn't want to move because I felt a puddle would be easier to clean up then a path. I'm so thoughtful I decided!  Shawn went and got Vanessa then helped me out of my wet clothes and I scooted to the bathroom over an absorbent pad. I asked for the tub to be filled and told Shawn to turn the movie off, I wouldn't be watching anymore for the time being. 
 After 10 minutes or so in the tub, I wasn't really in what I could count as active labor, so I got out and moved around.  Vanessa put a path of absorbent pads on the floor, and I paced those, stopping with each contraction at the tub, and had Shawn rub my back.  I did this for awhile, I think.  I'm not really sure.  Time sort of morphs.  I was in pain, but it wasn't keeping me down or overwhelming me just yet.  In between contractions I was chatting with the midwife and with Shawn.  Sometime later I got back in the tub and remember asking Vanessa what the white stuff was that was floating in the tub, she said it was vernex.  I thought that was pretty cool; I never noticed it before in my previous water births.
 Labor got intense at that point and Vanessa kept to herself in the corner, observing, while Shawn rubbed my back.  I started to feel small urges to push, which I did, and I felt something bulging, it was soft, but not like a head.  At that point Vanessa came over.  The thing I was touching broke: part of the amniotic sac was still intact.  Later on Vanessa said that I had worried her; by my description she thought I could have been feeling a butt!  I spoke with Vanessa previously about my ideas/hopes for this birth.  The requests were: when labor stalls after the head is delivered, please, please, please do not let me freak out; this has happened with the previous two births, and I think contributed to Colin being "stuck."  Secondly, I wanted the baby to be passed through my legs so that I could sit back more comfortably.
Within a couple of pushes the head was delivered.  True to form, my labor stalled, and I started freaking out.  I told Vanessa, "I need help, I need your help!"  She calmly reminded me when knew this was going to happen and I just needed to wait for my body to tell me it was time to push.  I not so calmly told her, "I changed my mind and you have to help me."  She calmly responded that she wasn't going to do anything and that I was fine.  Somehow, I found the strength to pull myself together, and when I felt the urge to push I did, and our fourth baby was born!  Just like I wanted the baby was passed to me, we looked, and we saw that we had a boy!  A fourth boy!  Four boys!  I got out of the water and moved to the bed where we settled on Evan James as a name.  A fourth boy!  James is my brother and father's middle name.  He was born at 7:57 a little over an hour after my water broke and real labor had begun.  Evan started nursing like a champ.  A little while later the cord was cut and he was weighed.  When I held him the first time, I remember commenting on how small he was. I was sure he weighed around 9 pounds.  We all were shocked, but not so much, when we discovered he actually weighed 10lbs 13oz!  While big, he did weigh almost an entire pound less than his older brother Colin!  Vanessa later said that while I was in labor she looked at me and thought for sure the baby would only be 9 pounds.  I sure can pack them in!  
Shawn and I settled in and watched more of the movie. I took a shower, and at 12:30am we left the birth center 4.5 hours after having a baby. This was a perfect birth, and I couldn't have asked for anything better!