Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Summertime has been flowing by at a record pace.  I'm not sure where it has gone.  In fact, I was telling Husband earlier today, that while I know we've been busy, we definitely don't have much to show for it.  I've only taken the boys to the park a couple of times and just two measly walks, one of which we were flooded out.  It sucks. 

On the bright side the boys are having a good time, doing what, is any bodies guess.  They play a lot outside, riding bikes, swinging, playing in rocks and dirt, and bothering each other; so that passes the time.

I could probably blame it on the weather.  We had record breaking rainfall for the month of June, and we are just 1/4 inch away from tying the record for July.  My garden has suffered greatly.  My tomatoes and squash have either barely grown, or have outright died.  Evan my broccoli hasn't faired so well.

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