Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Monday, July 20, 2009

Husband is Home :)

Husband is home, safe and sound. It turns out that he wasn't even worried that I was mad at his abandonment of me. Originally he told me he would be gone during the days only. That was the last I heard from him for eight days. There was a fire out past Ester where a company does logging. They had 120 people working on it. Evidently Husband slept by a lake making sure the water pump kept working. He even has a sunburned lip to prove how much napping he did! He had a lot of fun, and made a little extra money. With that money and the donation from my dad we went and bought a couch!!! We are really really excited. We have never owned a new piece of furniture. Our "couch" at present is a used, old futon that is extremely uncomfortable, we've had it since we got married. The couch is soft, and comfortable, and the end recline. I'll post a pic when we get it on Wednesday.

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