Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Most Precious Baby Ever

So, I know that many of you will disagree, and I understand that you have to, but I have the most cutest, precious baby in the whole wide world! I don't know what it is about him, but he is just amazing. Today I brought him to the grocery store where he just sat looking around and behaved like an angel. Every time I looked at him I couldn't get over how lucky Husband and I are to have him. When he's in the car he looks out the window, very rarely do we hear anything from him. The other day we took him couch hunting, and again, he was very patient and let us try out all the couches. I have the best video of Gumba from the other morning. Once he wakes up and is fed the ritual goes like this: I remove his many layers of nighttime clothing, take off the cloth diaper to let him air/dry out, then he puts his toes in his mouth and squeaks, and screeches and talks. So, the video is of this, and I would love to post it so you all could eat up his cuteness, but it's probably considered kid porn for all those who aren't related, so it'll have to stay in the family vault. But believe me, you all would melt and go awwhhhh, and then want him for yourself.

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