Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Walkin' In A Winter Wonder Land...Sort Of

We had our first snowfall of the winter season on Tuesday. Many may think this is early, but I've seen it earlier. The snow of course has come and gone several times this week. This morning I awoke to more snow, and some of it has stayed, but who knows how long. Gumba has an ear infection, poor guy...and really poor me as well. Every night and all naps he sleeps with us (mostly me). I haven't had a good night sleep in several days. But, back on topic. Since Gumba loves walks I packaged him in his over sized snow suit and off for a walk we went. Here are his first encounters with snow:

1 comment:

Tasha and Chuck said...

Ahhh cute baby boy in the snow! wait snow? Why do you guys live in Fairbanks?