Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Turns Out I Can't Do Everything

Back in October I had this great plan to make Gumba a Halloween costume. He was going to be a penguin. That didn't happen, and I have no cute pictures of my son for his first Halloween. As Halloween approached, and I realized the costume wasn't going to get made, that maybe I had gotten in a little over my head. Turns out that having a 10 month old, who is in cloth diapers (lots of laundry, folding, etc.), who eats homemade baby food, I work 25 hours week (commute 35 minutes one way), and being pregnant, really is a lot for one person to have on their plate!

Here's the sonogram from several weeks ago, eat your heart out:

The baby is due June 14th, barring any complications, like another baby coming early. First trimester on the brink of being over, thank goodness. Trying to wrap my brain around the whole thing, I suppose it's too late to have second thoughts! Gumba will be 18 months old, so they'll be a good little bit apart. And I'll have the summer off!


Jenny said...

Yay for babies! I hope you have the baby on June 12. Selfish of me, I know.

Tasha and Chuck said...

Wow, congrats!!! i had know idea. family is grown fast.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We are so happy for you two and so excited about being Grandparents again! Our little man and I will have a lot of fun..we can take walks while you and the new addition take naps!

Love you all!
Eagle River Granny