Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Gumba, Husband, and I spent ours down in ER with the family. We flew. Never again would we attempt to drive (especially in winter) with a stubborn baby that doesn't like to sleep. Been there, done that, learned a valuble lesson. The flight down went amazingly smooth. Gumba was "home" in time for an afternoon nap, so he wasn't thrown off of schedule too bad. Thanksgiving was fun. I was able to see all of my siblings. Gumba had turkey for the first time. Didn't do any black Friday shopping. I detest buying gifts (sounds terrible huh), so there was no way I was going to venture out and spend the day with a whole bunch of crazies. The flight back was a bit more interesting. Gumba didn't get a second nap so we was, shall we say, a little rambunctious. Luckily everyone thought he was being cheerful. Now we're all back home, heading into a work week. Hope you all had fun. My family believes in being laid back and comfortable, hence the sloppy outfit!

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