Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

No News is Good News

I realize I haven't posted in over a week. But in my defence, nothing has happened that warranted a story session. Gumba is starting to refuse his afternoon nap, which he can't skip, so we've been dealing with that. Also, we finally have him accustomed to hanging out in the play pen, so he doesn't scream the instant we put him in it. I've been wrestling with the concept of adding more solid feedings to Gumba's day. I know at 10.5 months old he's old enough to start getting "real" food, not just mushed up fruits and veggies. But, I'm having a hard time figuring out what to give him. It seems strange that he's close to the age that I can feed him off of my plate. Gumba still only has the beginnings of two teeth, so that's an additional consideration.

At the moment Gumba is being pretty cute. He's in the play pen, rocking the swing back and forth! He's also found the on/off button. Luckily he still entertains himself well. It must come with being the first child and not having anyone to entertain you. Oldest children are so unlucky!

Gumba has started doing the following cute things:
-Plays peak-a-boo with the curtain in the living room. He laughs and smiles, and squeals really loudly.
-He started to click his tongue. Not sure how to best describe it.
-Oh, if I say "shake your booty" he'll wiggle his little butt!

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