Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Central Alaska is no Place to Raise a Toddler

Wow, didn't think about raising a child during winter, in NP. It has been a pretty consistent -20F every day this month, with lows in the -40s and highs in the -10s. Needless to say Gumba hasn't been outside for a very long time. My cutoff is -10F, and today it's finally gotten that warm. Plus, there isn't a lot to do with toddlers anyways. Gumba is bored and getting into mischief, I'm bored chasing him around saying no all the time and getting ignored. I've looked online for ideas, and short of read to your child, stack blocks with your child, there really isn't much else to do. And, these aren't even great ideas because they'll what, keep you child occupied for a total of five minutes? We're talking hours of free time here, not five minutes here and there. I think Husband and I are going to take him to the family swim at the pool next Saturday. Gumba has never been, and we've never been with a baby, so who knows how that will go. I'll keep in touch with you all about that. I also think we'll go to the library in town. The floors are probably decently clean and he'll have lots of new stuff to look at. Ugh, winter sucks big time.


Jenny said...

Any place that is carpeted will not be clean. Libraries are notoriously dirty because the homeless are welcome and people go to the library to stock up on things when they are sick, spreading around the cooties. I still think you should go there, just consider yourself warned. It's always a good idea to wipe down the books when you take them home before you hand them over to your little one.

The toy department in any store is always entertaining. And then the playplace at Mc Donalds if you're really desperate for a change of pace. Is there an indoor track or anything you can take him to toddle around on? You guys should move to UTAH. There tons of things to do here in the winter and you could take him outside and he would have playmates!

Whenever people complain about it being cold here, I'm like, my friend has a baby in FAIRBANKS and they are stuck inside all winter and summer because of cold or fires. They think you are hard core.

Lisa said...

I'm either hard core or crazy! Thanks for the ideas. I don't know how I'm going to make it through this winter. I guess the upside is at this point it can only get better...sooner rather than later. Luckily it's at least lighter outside then it has been.