Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Kids Say the Cutest Things

#1's vocabulary has really taken off.  He was evaluated by the school district and was accepted into their speech program which he was eligible to enroll in at the age of three.  He attended "school" for one half hour twice a week starting in January.  #1 had a great time and made a friend who also lives in NP, we've even had a play date with him this summer!  I'm not sure if #1 was ready to speak more clearly, or if the speech therapy was absolutely necessary, or if it was a combination of the two.  Either way, it is much easier to understand him.  There are still times when I have to apologize for not understanding him and I have to guess at what he is saying, but there are improvements.  He will be going back to "school" when school starts in August.  Wow, that's next month, eek!  I'm sure I'll be getting some looks lugging a 3yo, 2yo, and 3 month old in school drop him off.  That being said, here are some of the cute things #1 says now:

- That not nice to me Oren - a favorite because there are always fights happening
- When I get bigger I will have big feet like dad and grow hair on my arms (he has been very curious about how he doesn't have any, I have a little, and dad has a lot!)
- His imagination is really taking off, he's always talking about a fire: under the table, in the kitchen while I'm trying to cook, in the bedroom
- I love you so much, happy birthday (not sure why he pairs these two together)

#2 is taking after his older brother and not talking much at all.  It is astonishing how well he communicates with such little vocabulary.  He literally only says a handful of words: mama, dada, truck, train (brand new this week), water, banana, baby, and then the usual sounds, uh-uh (no), uh-oh, uh-huh (yes).  Becky my youngest sister was up for a visit several weeks ago and she thought he was talking up a storm, that was until I told her to pay attention, boy did he have her fooled.  He is definitely far behind but I'm not sure it's a hearing problem like it was with #1.  I think he's just lazy.  The only thing it could be is chronic fluid in his ears, so we'll see.  Maybe he'll have tubes in a couple of months.

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