Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Winter is Here

The boys on the first walk of the year (disclosure, this was a few weeks ago)
Winter has begun in the cold, cold, so very cold, north, and it did so brutally.  Last week we woke up to -17F.  WHAT?  Being in the interior is crazy.  Luckily it's warmed back up to a toasty 10F.  I try to get the boys out once a day if the temperature is above -20F, however the sharp drop in temperatures didn't allow me to slowly acclimate so I've slacked off so far this winter.  Today I did get the kiddos outside for a 20 minute walk and it was so nice.  I hate being couped up in the house.  That being said, getting a almost 4 year old, 2.5 year old, 6 month old, and myself dressed and out the door takes a lot of work; I hope it doesn't stop me in the months to come!
#3 continues to be a really good sport.  He has really enjoyed going on walks, even though the means being bundled up.  I've added a neck warmer that I crocheted to his winter wardrobe to (hopefully) keep his little cheeks from getting frost bit.  #2 likes pulling his sled around, but he wants to hold my hand ALL THE TIME.  I hoping he's just getting used to being in a snowsuit and walking in the snow.  #1 is having a BLAST!  Today on our walk he rolled in the snow for quite a while.  He's even stopped being freaked out when snow gets on his face.

We have been keeping warm with the wood stove.  I've decided to try another fuel saving measure this year, not warming up the house using fuel before we get up.  Brrrrrrrr is all I have to say about that!  I think we'll save a bunch of fuel, but waking up to the house being 60 is pretty chilly!  Our rooms are still heated through the night though, I'm not that crazy.  We'll see in the next couple of months if it's worth it or not, but I can't imagine in not. 
Happy Winter to everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My you do have snow already. They are saying we might get a sifting next week. We have had quite nice weather this fall. Really could use some rain though, we are really dry. Love your blog as uaual.
Keep warm. Love, Cousin Sharon