Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Saturday, June 28, 2014

We Have a Six Year Old!

Our oldest turned 6 back in December. (Yea, I know, back when I wasn't keeping up).  And what a fantastic six year old he is!  I am constantly amazed at how giving he can be with his brothers.  We often watch him give up great things, like candy and favorite toys to others.  I think was amazes me the most is how excited he gets when they each learn new things.  He notices everything!  #1 can also be more sensitive then you think he is.  The other day we passed a memorial for a young woman who died in a car accident.  Later the next day he placed stickers around the house so, "when I'm gone you can remember me."  This summer he got right back up on his two wheel bike and took to it like it was just yesterday, not eight months like it had been.  #2 just moved from the balance bike to the training wheels, and he is SO excited for #2 to be getting bigger and better at things.

What has been truly heart warming is his bond and love for his newest brother.  Since brining him home from the birth center, he has had this incredible bond with him.  He has held him, rocked him, soothed him, talked with him, bounced him, you name it.  And #4 just eats him it up.  #4 loves his oldest brother in return.  #1 has been a big help, and what is surprising, but shouldn't be, he WANTS to help, he desires to help, and it's great.  When #4 was pretty new, #1 loved sitting on the couch watching TV, holding his baby brother.  There was more then one occasion that he put the baby to sleep while I was able to get other things done, like dishes or dinner.  He has been a great helper.

We love our oldest boy immensely, and are so happy and thrilled with the boy he is becoming.  We are looking forward to the next big adventure, Kindergarten!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soooooo..your firstborn is only 5 years old...lack of sleep maybe? Had a wonderful three days with you and your family and am already planning another trip. Love you all very much...Eagle River Granny