Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Listen to Gumba Screech!

Gumba has decided that he will only communicate through loud, variable pitched screeches. Luckily he does this only when he is happy, which is 99% of the time. I know screeching annoys most parents, but I take great joy in it. Gumba went through this faze at six months were he stopped vocalizing and it scared me, so I'd rather have deafening noises then silence any day. So, I have a video for you all, a sample if you will, of what we've been hearing at our house the last couple of weeks.

Also, Gumba has just about mastered sitting up. It was amazing how quickly he caught on. I'm sure it had a lot to do with my mother-in-law taking the time to give him practice. As it turns out, I'm the slow learner. It took me watching Gumba hit his head on the hard floor three times before I figured out putting him on the bed first would be a good idea. Luckily his head has healed and he won't have any memories of how dumb his mother is.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! He's soooooo cute! Can't wait to get to North Pole and see you all! Keep posting videos. This blog stuff is wonderful. Love from Eagle River..

Anonymous said...

I think Connor is trying to sing with the backgound music. He might be a rock star. mlw