It's unbelievable that there is a two year old in our house. It's amazing, really, that we have all survived thus far. Gumba had a fabulous day. A friend made these great custom cupcakes that included a train engine pulling frieght cars full of M&M's. They tasted great as well. The grandparents from ER came up for a quick overnight visit to celebrate his birthday. And a couple of our friends risked getting hand, foot, and mouth disease from my little petri dish of a daycare attending son. It was a lot of fun. Gumba even learned how to rip open presents!
Now there are 4
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Family Update
Gumba-ba has changed so much in the last month. He won't stay on his back, gets up on his knees and rocks, and is becoming quite the sitter! He just turned five months old, I think we have a gifted child on our hands! This past week he's even started to balance on one hand and reach for objects with the other, it won't be long until he crawls. Unfortunately, big brother's world will shrink when he does.

Gumba is doing well. Is completely adjusted to being in a big boy bed. Thankfully he stays in his room until we get him up from bedtime or naptime. He usually opens his door when he wakes (still 5am or so) but plays until we're up. Also, he'll stay in time out...don't ask me how we got so lucky. Must be all the Super Nanny I watched really did pay off.
Right now we're having really terrible weather. We've had freezing rain since Sunday night. The roads are REALLY bad. Luckily most people have the sense to stay home and no one has gotten hurt yet. I decided to not go to work, so by the end of it, I'll have had nine days off! Who can complain about that?!?! Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
My Eldest Thinks He's Smarter Then Me
Right now I'm sitting outside my son's door "encouraging" him to take his afternoon (only) nap. I guess he doesn't think he needs one...except for I know he does, and more importantly, I need him to take one. So, here we are, a battle of wills raging in our house.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Checking In
I know it's been a long time, sorry, I've been busy! Gumba-ba (aka Ba) is doing well. He's growing like a weed of course, and still isn't sleeping well of course, that's what all my babies do! Maybe it's because I work and they want to spend time with me...I don't know. Here's a list of what he's been up to:
- talking, cooing, smiling, trying to laugh
- smacking his lips. Grandma taught him how last time she was up
- rolling back to front, can't keep him on his back at all anymore
- liking the jumperoo just like his big brother. This morning he learned how to jump in it and is already playing with the toys
- reaching for toys and bringing them to his mouth
He has been a pretty busy little guy. Amazing how much changes so quickly.
And, now onto to Gumba, he's been a very busy little boy. He is 22 months old now, and literally doing something new everyday:
- still isn't talking, but adding new "words" and sounds everyday. He started daycare and now makes the sound of cars crashing. Did I mention the toddler room he's in has six other boys!!! No telling what he'll learn from them all next!
- timeouts, and actually sitting where he is supposed to for a minute
- big boy bed. While Grandma was here is conveniently (not) learned how to climb out of this crib. The transition has gone MUCH more smoothly then I ever imagined. He doesn't come out of his room until one of us gets him.
- Jumping off of things.
- Eating in a booster seat at the table
- Being my helper: puts dishes away, folds laundry, puts dishes in sink, gets Ba's pacifier. He's really become quite the person now.
And onto family news. I have gone back to work part time. That's going as well as can be, seeing as how I'd rather be home. I drag my feet every time I leave the house. We've all been sick, courteous of daycare I'm sure, but all on the mend. Husband finally has a truck to call his own so now we can haul our trash to do the transfer site, also something to haul his 4-wheeler around for hunting. Husband also is working with the paramedic program up here. Oh, I forgot to mention we have snow, and it's already getting pretty cold!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Our New Life
The title means several things huh? It's referencing our new addition. It's also referencing our new life as a family of four. Husband went back to work, and my mom went back to ER, so I was left to care for two small children myself for 24hrs at a time. The first day was stressful, the second day was even more stressful, but, the third day was less stressful, thank goodness. Hopefully it'll continue to get better, it should, right?!?
Gumba (first born) likes his new baby brother (Gum-ba-ba). Note: For those who are new to the blog, I like to use the nickname Husband affectionately used because this blog is open to everyone. Anyways, back to Gumba. He gives his brother hugs and kisses, tries to share his pacifiers, and asks to hold him. He's doing really well, but does have a little meltdown in the late afternoons when Husband is at work. I guess that is understandable, he does get neglected by default when I'm home alone.
I've also discovered something about myself, which is probably not kosher to actually admit, especially as a mom, but I don't think newborns are very fun. They are a ton of work, are demanding, have a need to be held constantly (which doesn't fit in with having a toddler), want to nurse constantly, and we've been blessed with another non-sleeper. I hope this passes quickly, but I honestly can't remember how long it'll be until life gets a little more normal and Gum-ba-ba will sleep for more then 1.5 hours at a time.
The good news is, he's awfully cute. He already talks a ton. Looks a lot like Gumba did at this age, so we may have another good looking boy on our hands!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Welcome to the World Gum-ba-ba
We welcomed our second son on June 17th. He weighed in at a healthy 8lbs 13oz and was 20 inches long. I got the birth I wanted, sort of...we had the baby at the birth center as planned, a water birth as planned, but it was a FAST birth, which was unplanned. I went to work that day, feeling a little "weird" having what I thought was more Braxton Hicks contractions, which I've been having since week 29. I was adamant I wasn't going to waste any of my leave so I stayed at work. At some point I decided that instead of working I'd rather be at home taking a nap (my Mom was up taking care of Gumba), so I finished up some of my unfinished business at work. I left work around 11am, ran a few errands, and was home around noon. I called Husband at 12:45 telling him something might be happening, still wasn't sure, and that I'd call him later. At 1pm I told him to get home. We arrived at the birth center at 2pm, and Gum-ba-ba was born at 3:08. Talk about a fast birth. We all got home at 7:30pm that same day and have been home ever since.
Things are going well here. Everyone is still adjusting to having a new baby around. Gumba is doing amazingly well, he really likes his little brother and we haven't really had any jealousy issues. New baby is doing what new babies do, eating and pooping, and keeping us awake at night. Husband keeps telling me to remember that he's brand new to the world, and at some point in time he will sleep at night. Husband goes to work tomorrow, so it'll be my first time managing two kids at once. We'll see if I survive!
Monday, June 7, 2010
39 Weeks and Counting
Still waiting on Baby-No-Name. I'm now at 39 weeks. Not so much feeling ubber pregnant and wanting the baby out, just want to not have to go to work! I am looking forward to staying home with Gumba, and the new baby of course. Here are some things Gumba is doing now:

Still a huge fan of "swinging."

Still a huge fan of "swinging."
- Letting us know that he knows we don't want him to do something by shaking his head no first, and then doing it anyways. (Could their be any more "no" words in this sentance?)
- Stacking his toy animals into a tower.
- Staying occupied, sometimes for 5 minutes. This is amazing for both Husband and I. This little boy is always on the go.
- Taught him this morning the pleasure of throwing rocks in a puddle, it was a big hit.
- When we tell him we're going outside, he finds his shoes and sits on the bottom of the stairs. VERY helpful!
- Understands, at least partially, that a playground is for playing and climbing.
- Goes down slides by himself. We did have a slight mishap at Pioneer Park the other day where he did a somersault at the end, but he recovered well.
- Doesn't cry as much when we change his diaper. I think he gets it's not our favorite part of the day either.
- It only took two days to get him to sit in the bath tub. If only the no jumping on the couch rule was that easy.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Guess it has been awhile huh? I'm pleading exhaustion from being pregnant and chasing around a toddler. I know, low blow, but I'll use whatever I can to get out of the dog house! The link below is of Gumba playing outside with dogs. The fat black lab is not ours, we're dog sitting, and yes, she has been put on a diet while in our care. Our hope is the actual owners will realize we just decreased their dog food bill by half and keep it up.
He's pretty adorable, and he's really getting the running thing down. Sometimes he pumps his arms. Gumba loves, loves, loves the outdoors. We spend most of the time in between nap and dinner outside. Luckily he's pretty good at staying away from stuff we've identified as "no" and only sneaks rocks in his mouth occasionally. We've been lucky though because he doesn't swallow them. Gumba has been learning some sign language. I finally decided to try that since getting him to use his vocal cords to make actual words is still failing. The only words you can kind of make out are yucky and cookie. He will say mom if I'm making dinner and ignoring him, and lets be honest, that doesn't happen to often. We'll see how freaked out his pediatrician is at his 18 month check up. I'm pretty much done worrying about it.
Baby no name is still going strong. Am now officially full-term (37.5 weeks) so I'll be able to be at the birth center this time, barring any unforeseen complications of course. Getting excited to find out if it's a boy or girl. Who knows how long we'll have to wait. Knowing our luck I'll go until 42 weeks and then have to induce with castrol oil or something equally disgusting.
Take care all, and will try my best to stay in touch. The video is for all of you (Uncle Mike) who keep requesting pictures while I'm being lazy.
He's pretty adorable, and he's really getting the running thing down. Sometimes he pumps his arms. Gumba loves, loves, loves the outdoors. We spend most of the time in between nap and dinner outside. Luckily he's pretty good at staying away from stuff we've identified as "no" and only sneaks rocks in his mouth occasionally. We've been lucky though because he doesn't swallow them. Gumba has been learning some sign language. I finally decided to try that since getting him to use his vocal cords to make actual words is still failing. The only words you can kind of make out are yucky and cookie. He will say mom if I'm making dinner and ignoring him, and lets be honest, that doesn't happen to often. We'll see how freaked out his pediatrician is at his 18 month check up. I'm pretty much done worrying about it.
Baby no name is still going strong. Am now officially full-term (37.5 weeks) so I'll be able to be at the birth center this time, barring any unforeseen complications of course. Getting excited to find out if it's a boy or girl. Who knows how long we'll have to wait. Knowing our luck I'll go until 42 weeks and then have to induce with castrol oil or something equally disgusting.
Take care all, and will try my best to stay in touch. The video is for all of you (Uncle Mike) who keep requesting pictures while I'm being lazy.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Baby No Name Update, part 2
Today I felt baby no name hiccup! It's the first time this pregnancy. Pretty exciting stuff if you ask me! Feeling a lot of movement down low, which leads me to believe this baby is butt down at the moment. Have been trying to do some yoga stretches and poses to encourage the baby to end up as it should, head down. So, wish me luck. There is still plenty of time though, at week 26.5! I go in for an appointment next week, so I probably get to look forward to drinking a horrible sugar water concoction to test for gestational diabetes.
The other big news is that Husband and I have FINALLY agreed on a boys name! We are still sticking with the girl name from last time. It's taken us something like 10 weeks to come to an agreement with the boys name this time. I'm a little shocked at the selection, it's not at all common, and yet somehow my HUSBAND picked it out (for those who know him he's more of a Jennifer or Jason kind of person). When I first saw it (he showed me on the net) I instantly felt like I should hate it, yet somehow I don't. Good news all the way around. I even got approval from the girls I work with. I'd tell you all, but even though I think theft would be extremely unlikely, who really wants to risk it? Not me. And thankfully he'll temporarily forget his obsession with the name Duncan until next time.
The other big news is that Husband and I have FINALLY agreed on a boys name! We are still sticking with the girl name from last time. It's taken us something like 10 weeks to come to an agreement with the boys name this time. I'm a little shocked at the selection, it's not at all common, and yet somehow my HUSBAND picked it out (for those who know him he's more of a Jennifer or Jason kind of person). When I first saw it (he showed me on the net) I instantly felt like I should hate it, yet somehow I don't. Good news all the way around. I even got approval from the girls I work with. I'd tell you all, but even though I think theft would be extremely unlikely, who really wants to risk it? Not me. And thankfully he'll temporarily forget his obsession with the name Duncan until next time.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Gumba Went Bonkers
The stars finally aligned and I was able to bring Gumba into town to play at the local toddler playroom. We had a great time once Gumba relaxed and stopped the white knuckle death grip. There was a very outgoing 2 year old that Gumba watched and learned from. I thought he'd have a little more fun then he did, but I think he's a tad bit shy because he's not in daycare. I sort of like the idea of daycare twice a month or so to get him around others his age. But who knows, that costs money and there are germs, and scheduled sleep times which would inevitably be different then his. Just a thought I've been toying with.
Also, I got my parents signed up for Skype. Today they saw Gumba for the first time via a webcam and seemed to really enjoy it. Gumba also was pretty interested in it, and the fact he was able to touch a computer. My sister happened to be over at the house, she hasn't seem him since Thanksgiving.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Ronald + Gumba = ?
Gumba met Ronald McDonald tonight. He was up here visiting the NP McDonald's and we were lucky enough to get a picture with him. I will tell you that we may or may not know him personally...
I don't think Gumba was too thrilled. He seems to shut down when around a lot of people he doesn't know. Luckily he didn't start crying like another kid did!
Here's a couple of other cute pics:
I had to take this picture as sort of a spoof on the traditional bride before her wedding at the window or mirror. It's a pretty nice pic though. Gumba LOVES looking out the window. There are so many things I wish I knew before buying this house before I had kids, so far here's the list:
- Having one floor. People, ranch houses are the bomb, don't buy a two story house unless it's huge and you basically have two floors that are the size of a ranch. Going up and down stairs with a heavy toddler does not equal fun.
- Again, with a ranch you can open your back door to the yard and let your kids meander in and out as they wish. This summer we all have to get packed for an expedition. My mom let us wander around our backyard as soon as we could walk because she could see us from the kitchen. Must have been awesome.
- A large, low front window that babies can look out of. Gumba teeters on the baseboard heaters, gripping the window sill, and doing a pull up all at the same time to see outside.
- How far away from town are you willing to move, keeping in mind that children do need nap and bedtimes at specific times. Living in NP is great, we have a nice piece of property, but the commute both ways is an hour which leaves us no time to go into town when you factor in lunches and bath time.

Here he is eating a red potato.
Here he is eating a red potato.
There really isn't a whole lot going on. I was hoping to bring Gumba into town today to play at a Gymboree type toddler place, but there are a couple of unions trying to organize the staff at the university, and one happened by at nap time this morning and woke Gumba and me up. I was an unhappy momma bear answering the door. I'm sure as they stepped away from the door they realized they were not going to get my vote!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Gumba's First Walk in Snow
Check out this cute clip of Gumba walking in the snow. He didn't make it too far, and the dogs barking was much more interesting...but it's cute regardless! Next time we'll have Husband hold the camera to help improve Gumba's performance (distance and smiles).
Oh, and today it was 30F outside! Gumba and I went on a nice long walk. It is so nice to be able to get outside now. The fresh air is doing wonders for our sanity.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
We Officially Have a Toddler!!!!!!
Gumba is walking! He walks way more then he crawls now. For all of you nay-sayers out there, keep the, "oh, now he's really going to be a handful" comments to yourself. Gumba is already a handful. I've gotten plenty a comment when he's crawling around about how fast he is. Best part about him walking, we no longer have to bend ALL the way over get him, he's easily 2.5 feet off the's fabulous. And, the way cute thing is, we now have to watch out for him so we don't bump him over! Who knew that would be as precious as it is. Gumba is also working on a seventh tooth, it like it's fellow brothers is taking forever to come. Now he has lopsided teeth! Hmmm, what else is new? It is finally warm outside, so we've been taking walks whenever we can. It's supposed to be in the teens for the next week! Gumba is totally enjoying it. He lays very patiently on the ground as I wrestle him into his snowsuit.
Not much else. Baby number two is moving a lot more then Gumba. I had a checkup the other day and the baby was moving around a ton because the midwife was pushing on my belly (she's new). She had a hard time tracking down the heartbeat! Husband was able to make it to the appointment on account of Gumba taking appropriate naps and the weather being warm. I'm glad he made it, because now I don't have to worry about scheduling one around him.
Oh, and we finally have a video of Gumba protesting while having his diaper changed. He totally hammed it to. But, unfortunately like all our videos, it's too long to put here. But, maybe the link will work below (he's walking in this one)
Not much else. Baby number two is moving a lot more then Gumba. I had a checkup the other day and the baby was moving around a ton because the midwife was pushing on my belly (she's new). She had a hard time tracking down the heartbeat! Husband was able to make it to the appointment on account of Gumba taking appropriate naps and the weather being warm. I'm glad he made it, because now I don't have to worry about scheduling one around him.
Oh, and we finally have a video of Gumba protesting while having his diaper changed. He totally hammed it to. But, unfortunately like all our videos, it's too long to put here. But, maybe the link will work below (he's walking in this one)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Central Alaska is no Place to Raise a Toddler
Wow, didn't think about raising a child during winter, in NP. It has been a pretty consistent -20F every day this month, with lows in the -40s and highs in the -10s. Needless to say Gumba hasn't been outside for a very long time. My cutoff is -10F, and today it's finally gotten that warm. Plus, there isn't a lot to do with toddlers anyways. Gumba is bored and getting into mischief, I'm bored chasing him around saying no all the time and getting ignored. I've looked online for ideas, and short of read to your child, stack blocks with your child, there really isn't much else to do. And, these aren't even great ideas because they'll what, keep you child occupied for a total of five minutes? We're talking hours of free time here, not five minutes here and there. I think Husband and I are going to take him to the family swim at the pool next Saturday. Gumba has never been, and we've never been with a baby, so who knows how that will go. I'll keep in touch with you all about that. I also think we'll go to the library in town. The floors are probably decently clean and he'll have lots of new stuff to look at. Ugh, winter sucks big time.
The Value of a Shower
The value of a shower is maximized if your child is awake and someone else is watching him/her. I've always valued being clean, but haven't ever taken very long showers, now I'm a changed woman. It's great to be able to escape for just a little bit, knowing your child is in good hands, and you can relax. My mom used to go grocery shopping, but that isn't very relaxing for me, and we live forever away from town, so I'd be gone longer than I'd want to be.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Roller Coaster Ride - Gumba Update
Where's Gumba!
My precious first born has us on a roller coaster ride. It seems that he sleeps well for several weeks, then the next couple he doesn't. We are currently plummeting to our deaths. Gumba has been waking several times in the night to fuss loudly for no apparent reason, then starts my day at 5am. I say mine because let's be honest, Daddy's don't just jump out of bed that early in the morning, or at least Gumba's doesn't. This morning Husband got home from work at 9am and said good morning to Gumba and I, and I informed him it's actually our afternoon already. The last several days Gumba has fussed during his second nap as well, but it seems today he may have fallen asleep...keep your fingers crossed!
He are several cute things Gumba is doing now, all of which I think are indicators that he doesn't have autism. For those who know me well, I am a pessimist at heart, so this whole autism thing has been on my mind a lot:
- Comes to me, turns around, and then sits in my lap! It is one of the more precious things.
- Lets me read books to him! From beginning to end!
- Will go up to the dogs and gently lay his head on them to snuggle. Dogs don't appreciate this too much, but we're working with them.
- Laughs when we, or people on TV laugh (yeah, he's picking up social cues!)
- Smiles at me while I'm nursing him down for bedtime
- Started to bounce on the changing table when he's standing, and I'm holding him
- Likes to be tickled
- Understands "I'm going to get you" and crawls away, really fast
- Will rarely take two steps towards me when not holding onto furniture. This walking thing is taking way longer then I thought it would.
- Still gets very excited when I come home from work
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Baby No Name Update
Heard Baby No Names' heartbeat today! Everything is going well as far as we can tell without ultrasounds, which we won't have another one. For all those who want to start guessing, it was in the high 140's, low 150's. Husband wasn't able to make this appointment either. The first one he was working and Gumba came with me, he was freakin' adorable. Gumba behaved very well, and when the heartbeat was detected he came up to the table with a big smile on his face and touched my hand! Who knows if this has any significant meaning, but it meant a lot to me regardless. But Husband and Gumba stayed home today because it was a chilly -46F outside. Yes, you read that correctly, the temperature outside of our house all day long has been -46F, and it isn't expected to warm up until the weekend or so. Everybody at work couldn't believe I came in, but once I reminded them I have a house with a garage they started to get it. In Fairbanks it sat around -35F. So, hopefully Husband will be able to make it to one of my many upcoming appointments, February is usually warmer than January. We're still hoping on having a birth center birth. The midwife today said that vitamin's C and E help strengthen the bag, so hopefully my water won't break three and a half weeks early this time. We won't be finding out the sex until the baby reveals itself on its birthday. We have plenty of unisex items since Gumba was a surprise as well, so no need to worry there. One of the midwives is due on June 4th, a women I work with is due June 7th, and our baby is due June 14th. A midwife told me today they already have 15 babies with due dates in June, so it'll be a busy month. Hopefully they'll have room in the "inn" for everyone!
Take care all and stay warm!
Take care all and stay warm!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!
Husband brought in the New Year at a party while Gumba slept, and I tried to sleep. Today Gumba had spaghetti for the first time. Check out the video and picture of him. We are so lucky he likes solid food, and takes to most things we give him. I don't think he even got especially dirty this time around. It was eat, and then straight into the bath though!

Gumba threw his first real tantrum today. I see his head strongness will benefit him (in the long run) but will give his father and I many headaches. I ended up doing the dishes as Gumba cried in the living room. I figure I shouldn't stand around and "support" the behavior.
I'll tell you all I'm having a hard time adjusting to the fact that Gumba can have regular people food. It isn't because I'm being all sentimental, it just seems strange. All of a sudden his menu has expanded and I have no idea what to give him. I'd better think fast though, he's starting to pitch fits when we feed him because he wants to feed himself. Unfortunately for us all I have a freezer full of pureed food, and Gumba doesn't know how to use a spoon.
Have a Happy New Year everyone. I didn't make any resolutions. I figure if I have a hard time committing to 40 days and 40 nights for Lent, there's no way I'm making it a whole year!
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