Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Friday, July 27, 2012

Not a Minute Wasted

Last week Husband and I packed up our van (yes we have a van!), put the kiddos in (I know, shocking we didn't leave them behind!) and hit the open road.  We went to ER to visit my mom (dad was down in Soldotna fishing, but did come up briefly).  We drove down Wednesday and came back on Monday, and we didn't waste a minute while down there.  There was something planned each day down there.  All the kids did really great on the drive down, we took plenty of car breaks.  We got out of the car to throw rocks and even found a really great little trail that looked out on a huge river valley we hadn't known about.  Everything was fine until we hit 1.5hours from my parents house and #3 decided he had had enough of the car. I should mention, for the out of state people, it's a six hour drive without kids, with it took 7.5 hours.   

Thursday we all went to the zoo.  The boys had a great time burning off pent up travel energy while Husband, mom, and I chased them around.  I'm not really sure they saw many animals, but they did enjoy climbing up on the wooden railing every chance they had.  The weather was even great (a rarity this summer). 

Friday mom and I took the kids in to "A town" to visit with a friend who has a son #1s age, they were actually at the hospital the same time we were!  It was great to catch up and compare notes on our little ones! 

Saturday we had a long time family friend come out for a play date at my old elementary school.  She has a son who is almost a year and a half older then #1 and he had been asking when he could get together with my boys again (we saw them last Thanksgiving).  We chose a playground, because in his words, "Kathy only has baby toys."  Which is not entirely true, she has five trucks and two handheld toys and that's it.  Maybe I should bribe her and say we'd come down more often in the boys had more toys to play with!!!  Unfortunately we only stayed for an hour because the weather was rainy and cold and I didn't have a rain jacket or umbrella, and I'm not a boy so I eventually got cold.  Later that day Husband and I went into "A town" to do some errands while the boys slept/had quiet time.  Can you call that a date?  Probably when you have three kids in three and a half years! 

Sunday morning the weather was cloudy but warm so I (strongly) suggested we head to Thunderbird Falls for a 2 mile "walk." Husband was a little apprehensive thinking the boys would get tired but I figured they would be okay. I did however question this when I saw the trail, I really didn't remember it looking so steep! They boys did GREAT, I think total they walked 2.5 miles because we went to the top of the falls and then took another trail down to the bottom. I was a little worried about #2, he pretty much walks aimlessly and doesn't pay attention to where he's going. At two years old he still falls CONSTANTLY. I envision him being very much like my little sister Becky. He walks and lives life without a care in the world. There were several signs warning "Danger Drop Off" and I was scared he would look up at some tree he found interesting and would walk right off. Luckily we went with three kids and came home with three. They were even all ours! 

Sunday evening I invited myself and our kids over to above said friends house for another play date and dinner.  It was really neat to see her son and #1 wrestling around.  It's not too often that #1 has another kid his size to rough house with.  We were on strict orders by her son that the boys were not to mess up his room unless they cleaned it, which they did, twice.  He has a LOT of cool toys and monster trucks. 

And then Monday came and it was all over (including sleeping in because my mom is a saint and gets up at 6am with my kids).  I was sad to go.  I briefly saw Jenny twice and Mike came out to the house for an hour one day.  Becky was in Canada enjoying a music festival.  My siblings are always busy when I come down.  I must plan better next year because they are all pretty darn funny (I was reminded again this trip just how much) and I miss them, and seeing them in passing just doesn't cut it.  Luckily both my sisters are planning one more trip up in August to visit before the long cold winter sets in. 

 Throwing rocks during a stop.

Petting a chicken at the petting part of the zoo.  The "keeper" came up to me and asked if I had animal experience.  Not sure he liked me picking up "his" chicken.

Why do I get to take care of most of the kids!  I brought Husband and mom along so I wouldn't be doing it by myself!!!

Uncle Mike time!  Look how happy #3 is to meet him.

Ahma and #3, she loves these boys!

First family picture at Thunderbird Falls. 

All my boys!  Such a handsome lot. 

Thanks #3 for taking the picture for us.  I guess I could have taken you out of the stroller.  Whoops, didn't think of that till now.  I'll blame it on being to busy.  Sorry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I can't believe it, I can comment!!!! Love your blogging, you are looking great, and your family if amazing.
We are having 90-100' alot lately.
The last 2 weeks have been unbelievable.
Our corn crop is not doing good at all, did get a little sweet corn done, 36 bags, usually do 125-130 bags, same amount of corn.
Glad to see you are all doing great.
Enjoy your warmer temps, love to all, cousing Sharon from Iowa