Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Welcome to the World Evan!

On February 19th at 7:47pm we welcomed our fourth boy, Evan, into the world!  He weighed in at a measly 10lbs 13oz (almost a whole pound lighter then Colin!) and I think 22.5 inches long.  It's been awhile, and my brain is already forgetting these important facts.  It was another quick labor and delivery, really everything I have ever wanted.  The midwife did an amazing job listening and helping implement what I had asked for.  Evan was born in the water just as his two previous brothers.
He is super cute and adored by all three of his older brothers.  #1 especially is smitten with him, and almost four months later is still tuned in with him; holding him, soothing him when he's upset, rocks with him in the rocking chair, it's great!  #2 will be four in just two short days (wow) and is for the most part impartial, he's too busy to really give much more then a quick hug and kiss.  #3 is doing well with the new baby.  He really didn't show too much jealousy.  When I have Evan with me to get #3 out of the crib (still not climbing out, yes!), he says, "baby," pats the mattress, and lays down.  I put the baby in with him and then cuddle for a little, even sharing a blanket.  It's pretty awesome!
I'd love to give great news like Evan is sleeping well, but he isn't, which isn't anything new to this house, although I wish it were different.  It's a little easier to take the fourth time around, we don't set our hopes to high, but the sleep deprivation is tough, the screaming is tough.  I can get pretty cranky. Hopefully my willingness to apologize for my bad behavior will, in the long run, be good for my kids.  That they may understand that parents/adults make mistakes also, but that we too should own up to them.  Maybe?
Stay tuned.  Going to get back into the swing of things and get on here a little more often.  Things are starting to calm down a little.


Anonymous said...

You still have teething, runny noses, stuffy noses, coughs, upset tummies, and on and on. Sleep? Girl your dreaming while wide awake. Love you all..Eagle River Granny

Anonymous said...

Lisa, thank you so much for the blogs, I'd been checking for a while, then kind of got busy and hadn't checked for a while, this morning I decided to check, hah ha, there was a lot of blogs, so fun reading them. You are going to be a busy Mom, as I tell out daughter, Jolyn, she is due the middle of August, number 4, her oldest one is 6 also. I always tell her, she will get some sleep some year, but plan on little for a while. Beau will be 2 on August 22, and baby is due the 15th.
Jackie is real excited about the baby and will be a great help.
Gwen just kind of lives in her own world, pretty care free, a lot like Jolyn was as a little one.
Keep up the blogs, I love them.
We hope to make it up to Alaska next summer, just have to see how
things go. Take care and give those little ones a kiss and hug from us. Love to all, Sharon