Now there are 4

Now there are 4

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What the ****?

And that's putting it mildly. First, take a look at Sadie, how vicious does she really look? Take a good hard look.

Now, to be honest, I did pick a pretty cute picture, and as a disclaimer, she is my little baby. But I do know that she is no angel, and that she can be a bit protective. Now the point of this all. I took the dogs to work today. I am well aware that Sadie barks at people when they walk by the car. I've also had all of my coworkers tell me that it wasn't a big deal, to quite worrying about it. "She's just doing what dogs are supposed to do, barking is how they communicate." That said, the following note was placed on my windshield (no editing on my part took place):

"Please don't part these dogs here. They are loud and act vicious to people who pass by. You are giving a bad image to all dog owners and especially those who have to bring them to work. Please park you car on the outskirts of the parking lot where few people pass, not always in the center, where everyone passes by. Thanks. P.S. Your dogs bumped on your hazard lights (how appropriate), and they act so vicious that I don't dare stick my arm in to turn them off, so your car may be out of batteries by the end of the day."

Okay, here my problems with the note:

  1. The note was left open, facing everyone who wished to read this tyraid.
  2. There was no name, no contact information. I believe this is cowardly. Had the person been nice, and respectful, I would have loved to chat with them to find out more information. Instead I'm left questioning how inappropriate her behavior really was.
  3. I am a good pet owner. And anyone can attest to that. I love my dogs and take really good care of them, that's why there were in the car and not in a kennel for nine hours today.
  4. How the heck does this person know I don't have to bring the dogs to work? And, to be honest, no one really has to bring their dogs to work, they just prefer not to kennel them all day.
  5. I don't always park in the center of the lot. To be honest, this was the second time I've done this.
  6. How awful is it for a person to be thankful that the hazard lights were turned on.
  7. And why would anyone, under and circumstances, other then the dog dying, put their arms into a strangers car. I think this part of the note sounds pretty smug.
  8. The fact that they obviously believe I'm a bad pet owner.

Things that I like about the note:

  1. They remembered to say please twice.
  2. They remembered to say thanks.

I really wish that I could have had a civil talk with this person, who I think is a student, and a female. Now I'm left to my own inner anger about the whole thing. Later that day I had someone I knew, and the dogs did not, walk by the car. Sadie acted like I thought she would, bark at him until he passed the car. During this whole incident the windows were all the way rolled up with the doors locked. I know that I wouldn't have felt so threatened that I would have had to write this note. I just think this person handled the whole thing completely wrong, and next time should have the balls to do the right thing: leave a short polite note asking me to contact them. Do you all feel like I'm out of line? Let me know. It's okay, I promise I won't bite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have finally encountered the asshole. It a guy who is with phys plant who is responsible for grounds on westridge. WELCOME!!!!! He left a note on my windshield once for where I parked and the he approached me the next day and called me a bitch. I think every dog owner has encountered him. I had a friend from ambassadors that had a puppy she took with her and he gave her a lecture about dogs pooping onthe lawn and when I say puppy I mean like 8 week old. I wouldnt worry about it. Its UAF everyone brings their dogs. People like that just have to find something to piss them off so they feel better about themselves.

Love YA!