Now there are 4
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Yeah, sorry about that
Stay tuned, the next post will be about the cats, the dogs, and the Christmas tree.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Mom...I Gotta Go
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Jasper and his two paw touch

By the way, this is Jasper helping Husband hang a light fixture in the bedroom. Both of our cats love to get in the way! But, at least now when I talk about Jasper you have a face to go with the name!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Not The Butter
Saturday, October 6, 2007
It Always Brings A Smile
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I Had A Date With My Dog
- work on the beginnings of a front cross
- work on the spin
- work on stays
- remember to say "wait" and not stay
Sadie is a great agility dog, I'm really the one holding her back.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I Know You're Out There
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
What the ****?

Now, to be honest, I did pick a pretty cute picture, and as a disclaimer, she is my little baby. But I do know that she is no angel, and that she can be a bit protective. Now the point of this all. I took the dogs to work today. I am well aware that Sadie barks at people when they walk by the car. I've also had all of my coworkers tell me that it wasn't a big deal, to quite worrying about it. "She's just doing what dogs are supposed to do, barking is how they communicate." That said, the following note was placed on my windshield (no editing on my part took place):
"Please don't part these dogs here. They are loud and act vicious to people who pass by. You are giving a bad image to all dog owners and especially those who have to bring them to work. Please park you car on the outskirts of the parking lot where few people pass, not always in the center, where everyone passes by. Thanks. P.S. Your dogs bumped on your hazard lights (how appropriate), and they act so vicious that I don't dare stick my arm in to turn them off, so your car may be out of batteries by the end of the day."
Okay, here my problems with the note:
- The note was left open, facing everyone who wished to read this tyraid.
- There was no name, no contact information. I believe this is cowardly. Had the person been nice, and respectful, I would have loved to chat with them to find out more information. Instead I'm left questioning how inappropriate her behavior really was.
- I am a good pet owner. And anyone can attest to that. I love my dogs and take really good care of them, that's why there were in the car and not in a kennel for nine hours today.
- How the heck does this person know I don't have to bring the dogs to work? And, to be honest, no one really has to bring their dogs to work, they just prefer not to kennel them all day.
- I don't always park in the center of the lot. To be honest, this was the second time I've done this.
- How awful is it for a person to be thankful that the hazard lights were turned on.
- And why would anyone, under and circumstances, other then the dog dying, put their arms into a strangers car. I think this part of the note sounds pretty smug.
- The fact that they obviously believe I'm a bad pet owner.
Things that I like about the note:
- They remembered to say please twice.
- They remembered to say thanks.
I really wish that I could have had a civil talk with this person, who I think is a student, and a female. Now I'm left to my own inner anger about the whole thing. Later that day I had someone I knew, and the dogs did not, walk by the car. Sadie acted like I thought she would, bark at him until he passed the car. During this whole incident the windows were all the way rolled up with the doors locked. I know that I wouldn't have felt so threatened that I would have had to write this note. I just think this person handled the whole thing completely wrong, and next time should have the balls to do the right thing: leave a short polite note asking me to contact them. Do you all feel like I'm out of line? Let me know. It's okay, I promise I won't bite.
Monday, October 1, 2007
First a Quilt, and now a Curtain?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Yeah for Sadie!
Lilie will probably never do agility. She is much less motivated, which I do like cause I can be pretty lazy. When I first started working with Sadie, I was surprised how eager it made Lilie to work. She does get really jealous when I work with Sadie, so I do a few easy things with her that are easily rewardable. So I guess that my life isn't all work with no play. I do sometimes enjoy the rug rats that I have!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
There's Something About Leo...
And it ain't pretty. Leo is our two year old cat whom we rescued from the animal shelter in Michigan. We loved him, cared for him, and have even paid his vet bills and provided him with many expensive meals, and he has yet to thank us. I know what everyone says about cats, "Oh they're so independent, isn't it nice!", or "Cats are soooooo easy to take care of, they practically take of themselves." I wish that were true. Leo is motivated by one thing only, food. All of his behavior stems from this one true passion. Here are a few ways husband and I have altered our lives/adapted to Leo so far:
1. Safety locks on all of our lower kitchen cabinets, and one up high that contains all of our bread/chip type items. We are so far ahead of the game when we have kids.
2. Listening to constant whining (I call his incessant meows whining) for a minimum of thirty minutes prior to every feeding. Many of you may be wondering why Leo has to call attention to the fact he needs food. Well, Leo isn't capable of making good food choices, i.e. he eats everything in site, so to keep him from being obese, he gets feed twice a day, once at 6am the other at 10pm. Don't worry, he isn't actually starving, he weighs a healthy 15 pounds.
3. Large paint cans that I have to lift off of the tubs we keep dog and cat food in.
4. For those faint of heart, don't read this. Due to the situation outlined above, Leo wears a shocker collar at night. Trust me, I thought long and hard about this, I too felt tremendously bad for him. But after a year of getting woken up at 4:30am to scratching at the door, tugging of the door, and yes, even body slamming the door, I decided that getting enough sleep to deal with him far outweighed the guilt I had about the collar.
5. Allowing the cats on the kitchen table and counters. Leo is the first animal that I have ever dealt with that absolutely doesn't care about cause and effect. No punishment (besides animal abuse, and even, who really knows) deters him from doing bad things. I had to make a choice between my own mental well being and having to wash to table/counters every time I wanted to use them, or pulling my hair out of frustration. Fortunately for me I chose mental health and now the cats have the run of house.
6. Being one of those pet owners who spends lots of money on expensive food. Through no fault of my own, and this totally being husbands fault, we have two cats that are both on prescription food, for the rest of their natural, 14 years left, lives. I find it hard not to put a price on love, but I do it every day.
7. Vacationing. Hopefully one day we'll find someone generous enough to want to handle the special needs of all our animals, most notably Leo.
I'm sure there is more I'm missing, and if I remember I'll let you know. But I think I've left you enough to chew on at the moment.