Now there are 4
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Oh My Gosh
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Merry Christmas To All!
Our "first" Christmas as a family went well. Gumba liked the gifts he received from all, even though he can't say it! So, thank you everyone! We did Christmas dinner in Fairbanks with Husbands family. For those who have never met the Fairbanks part of the family, that included 14 of us. And surprisingly, dinner was mostly on time, and we were able to get Gumba home at a reasonable hour. It was great fun.
Below I've included a couple of recent, very cute pictures of our little man. He has his one year checkup this past week and weighed in at a hefty 22lbs, 5oz and is 31inches tall. He is in the 90th percentile for height! I wonder if this trend will continue, or if he'll start working on other things like talking and walking!
Monday, December 21, 2009
The cake was a homemade applesauce and banana cake with cream cheese frosting. Did you expect anything less from a wannabe hippie mom? He was a master at eating it, and everyone couldn't understand how it didn't get everywhere. What a champ!
Here he is eating his cake. Isn't he just precious!
The proud parents and birthday boy.
It's been a wonderful year, and I can't wait for all that year two will bring. We do have a great video of him eating his cake, however, it's too big to post here. Stay tuned for the YouTube link.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My Husband Has Been Busy
- Splitting the basement zone into two additional zones. This was actually a worth while project. The thermostat is in the living space, so the two bedrooms got incredibly hot during the winter, and the temperature would fluctuate wildly. Not the best scenario for little baby. Two days ago Husband finally finished with the soddering. Now all that's left are several large holes in ceilings that will need to be repaired. And even then we'll be left with parts of ceiling that are unspackled. But, I think it'll be worth it.
- Building a server for our computer. Lately Husband has been obsessed with having enough backups of our files in case world war three starts, our house burns down, and we get robbed. There are other things he could have been doing. But, once he gets his mind set on something, there really is no stopping him.
- Finally finish the patch on Gumba's wall. In September a pipe started leaking in Gumba's bedroom wall. The pipe was quickly fixed, but tonight the last (hopefully) bit of mud was put on the wall. Hopefully on Friday Gumba will be put back in his room. For the last three and a half months he's been in the guest room. Again, the hole is patched, but there will be no spackle and no paint for months, or who knows, years to come. The joys of owning your house!
- Putting a fuse in my car. This wasn't a project, but I'm totally excited about it. My car, which is only four years old, has a wiring problem in the hatch (best thing about the car). A lot of time when I opened the hatch it wouldn't latch shut. And then it got worse. Sometimes when I would use my rear windshield wipers the hatch would open, and my dashboard button wouldn't work. So we took it in, paid a bunch of money to have the wires repaired, and then my rear wipers didn't work. Husband being handy as he is (thank God) diagnosed the problem, and happened to have fuses for my car and fixed it. But seriously, how many Husbands have extra vehicle fuses laying around. I married a jack of all trades, and my garage definitely speaks to that.
Any projects going on in your lives? Other then my mother's complete remodel of her upstairs?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Turns Out I Can't Do Everything
Here's the sonogram from several weeks ago, eat your heart out:
The baby is due June 14th, barring any complications, like another baby coming early. First trimester on the brink of being over, thank goodness. Trying to wrap my brain around the whole thing, I suppose it's too late to have second thoughts! Gumba will be 18 months old, so they'll be a good little bit apart. And I'll have the summer off!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Happy (belated) Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 21, 2009
11 Months Old
In the last week or so he's turned into quite the babbler. All sorts of sounds are coming out him now. He likes to play peak-a-boo with our living room curtains. And he the baby gate is still one of his favorites toys. If I could add a grumpy face to this post I would. Gumba has finally acclimated to his play pen, he throws himself and tumbles around in it (We'll see how well he takes naps at Grammy's house now). And a few times I've caught him laughing at the "baby" as the computer screen saver shows pictures of him.
Oh, and one more thing, he is currently getting in THREE teeth, at the SAME time. Needless to say he's been quite the grump the last several days, with plenty more to come I'm sure.
Friday, November 20, 2009
We Survived DST
And, why in the world do we still have DST anyways? Especially up here in Alaska. All it does is makes parents crazy, and kids crazy. I guess it's one of those things that has become status quo, and will remain even though no one has a good reason why.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
No News is Good News
At the moment Gumba is being pretty cute. He's in the play pen, rocking the swing back and forth! He's also found the on/off button. Luckily he still entertains himself well. It must come with being the first child and not having anyone to entertain you. Oldest children are so unlucky!
Gumba has started doing the following cute things:
-Plays peak-a-boo with the curtain in the living room. He laughs and smiles, and squeals really loudly.
-He started to click his tongue. Not sure how to best describe it.
-Oh, if I say "shake your booty" he'll wiggle his little butt!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Winter is Here
Not sure how excited I am though. Usually I look forward to a change in the seasons, but this year winter came later than usual, and with it much warmer temperatures. Last week on my way home from work, Husband received a phone call from his crying wife begging him to pick her up on the side of the highway. I had never been so scared to drive before. I found out there's a reason my car gets great gas mileage, it weighs as much as an aluminum can. Husband, Gumba, both cars, and I made it home safely. Husband got to get the 4-wheeler out and plow for the first time this year. Gumba had a lot of fun watching Daddy:
Gumba also discovered the pot and pan drawer under our stove. The house is suddenly louder:
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Fun Things Gumba Does
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Cute Videos
Here he is spending time with one of his best friends:
Look how much fun feeding yourself oatmeal can be, and no we don't do this often:
Sad Sad Day
There have been several requests from Granny and Grandpa for pictures and video. Gumba can now reach the top of the table. Yikes!
Monday, October 19, 2009
I Jinxed Myself
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Shooting Myself in the Foot
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I Like Being a Sort of Hippie Mom
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I Support Vaccines
- "Vaccinations cause autism." There are SO many studies that discount this. And, have a little more faith that their isn't a huge conspiracy to hurt your children. Why would someone lie? Yes, scientists are people too, and they have also have children. It's their job to find these things out. I should know.
- "My kids just aren't going to get them; all the other kids out there are." However, you are putting my child at risk. You are putting INFANTS at risk of death. You are putting the ELDERLY and those with other illnesses at risk. You are putting those, who can't get vaccines because of real medical causes, at risk. You are truly putting others at risk.
- "Too many too soon." Our immune system is BOMBARDED hundreds of times a day with foreign microbes. Our immune system is designed to fight these things. That's why immunizations are so successful.
I've added a few pod casts that have great information in them about vaccinations. If you choose to listen, which I hope you do, please do so with an open heart and mind. I know I seek out other people with differing opinions to hear their side, and see if I can be persuaded, even if I'm not always so open to share my opinion.
The podcast at Science Friday is on the upper left hand corner:
Lets Kill The Children or A Defense of Vaccines
Taking Our Medicine
Shot of Fear
Recurrent Fever
I do worry if I'm doing the right thing each time Gumba gets a vaccination, but I firmly believe that the benefits far out weigh any risk. Living is risk in its self, yet we all strive to live our lives as fully as we can.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
A Glimpse
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Nine Months Old
- Started to get first tooth. He's been working on this for several weeks and it's only a third of the way in!
- Pulling himself up on everything.
- This quickly manifested into Gumba having to figure out how to get down from everything.
- Walking along furniture. Still not his favorite though.
- Just started to wave! It's pretty cute, he stretches out his arm and then looks at his hand as it moves. Yesterday in JoAnn's he way wooing the ladies.
- Eating oatmeal. I made this amazing blueberry sauce that I can't wait to give with the oatmeal. I'm totally excited.
- Found out he's a little behind developmentally. I guess if you don't clap or wave to your child they don't learn it. So, we're practicing.
- Had his first official illness, and ear infection. Thankfully it's cleared up. I'm back to getting (better?) sleep. Husband and I were taking turns sleeping with Gumba during naps and bedtime. By the end of it all I was pretty wiped out. Now he's back to sleeping on his own.
I'm sure I've missed something. But there's most of it anyway. Next I'll post about Husband and I's month. Everything that could have gone wrong did.
- Oh, let's not forget about Gumba's baptism with his cousin. The visiting priest was awesome and grabbed the two of them and started walking around church. I don't have any pictures, my parents have them all. Both sets of grandparents were able to be there, and Gumba's godparents were visiting from San Diego. Afterwards we had a barbeque at our house were 19 immediate family members (from McGilvary side) were here. That doesn't include everyone by the way.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Walkin' In A Winter Wonder Land...Sort Of
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Grandparents Kick A$$
Gumba is my parents first grandchild, and therefore holds a special place in their hearts. The day he was born they drove up to Fairbanks in -40F weather to see him. My mother, Gumba's maternal grandmother is great. Before Gumba was born she came up and helped me wash, fold, and sort clothes. She made many meals that we froze. She additionally has come up to visit many times. In doing so she has kept him company so I can take a little break. She too has sat for us many times. My father thinks Gumba is the best looking kid ever (I agree!). Gumba loves his grandfather and always gives him a big smile when he walks through the door.
Below are Gumba's grandparents. I discovered that we don't have any currents photos of Gumba with his paternal grandfather. This will be remedied at tomorrows barbecue. Celebrate your grandparents!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
First Tooth!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Bumps and Bruises and Bawling Oh My
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
What a Week
Gumba has been a busy little bee. He is very proficient at crawling now. He has even gone so far as crawling away from us into the bedroom or kitchen. Plus his whining about being able to move away from me has substantially subsided. It's pretty amazing how fast he took to crawling, and it's pretty cute when he crawls up to me and pulls on my pant leg to be picked up. I can't believe how cute he is! The other big Gumba news is he is now pulling himself into a stand position on anything he can get his hands on. He's taken two good spills so far. But, today (I think) he's started to figure out he needs to hold on. With all the changes this week, I can't imagine what next week has in store.
Solid foods are going really well. Gumba ate a lot of zucchini I had frozen. He hates green beans still. Peas are a new favorite. He loves bananas and applesauce. I'm still making the food. Last night my mom helped me make a bunch of stuff to store. For the next couple of weeks Gumba will be eating peas, green beans (hopefully), applesauce, yams, mango, nectarines, carrots, and bananas. My biggest fear is I'm not giving him enough variety. Oh, and I think next week we're going to give oatmeal with bananas a try. I was thinking today that in a couple of months Gumba will be able to eat what ever Husband and I are eating. How crazy is that!
Hope your week was as great as mine!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Allergic to Avocados
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Army Crawl
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
He's Mobile!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Different Spin on Same Toy
Also, Gumba has been currently feasting on apples (sauce) and banana. Like all the other foods, he has to see them three times before getting really excited about them. He still LOVES sweet potatoes though. I'm going to give him another taste of avocado, and think I'll try green beans next. What's great about feeding him fresh foods that I make is that they taste great. So...there's no faking the yumminess of the food! And applesauce homemade rocks. And you can save the water you used for steaming for cider.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Cute Little Boy
I'd post some pics, but I see that I'm taking more video of him now than pics. But I do have this really cute one of him from yesterday. Gumba is still a fussy pants, so I've been trying to keep him interested in anything and everything. I decided to take him out on the deck in the JumperRoo. It made him very happy for 30minutes or so, a lifetime for me at the moment! Here's a pic that I got of him:
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Gumba's Cage
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Has it Really Been 5 Years?
Year 1: Moved to Michigan for paramedic school. I ended up in the Upper Peninsula for three months while Husband was down in Ann Arbor.
Year 2: Moved back to AK, bought a house.
Year 3: Bought a car for me.
Year 4: Bought another house, became landlords (not slumlords :)
Year 5: Had a baby.
And of course in between there were vacations, adopting numerous pets, and other fun, frustrating, fascinating things. Husband and I were able to go out and celebrate thanks to my mom, who was in town, and provided excellent childcare. Husband was able to see the second Transformers movie. Let's face it, some movies should be seen on a big screen, and since I haven't approved the plan for one to be built at our house, we had to go out. It was fun to be sans baby, but I was glad to get home!
All in all it's been a great five years. I'm not sure if we're any closer to figuring each other out. As the time changes, so do we. We figure we have another 65 years give or take a few to get things right. We'll have to wait and see what happens in this sixth year. Pretty hard to top the first five.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Mr. Fussy Pants
1. Over tired
2. Frustrated at the world
3. His first tooth
4. Practicing a new sound
I don't have a clue which of the three it is, all I know is that I want it to stop. Gumba has started whining/fussing constantly. There is only a total of one hour reprieve from the ear piercing, eye-rolling sound. I have no idea how to stop it. I post a video of it, but I wouldn't want your eyes to roll into the back of your head, or your ears to bleed. It is that annoying. Husband and I think he is overtired, but, how do you make a child sleep? We offer three naps a day, and twelve hours of sleep at night. So, if it's not over tiredness, what could it be? Does teething produce almost constant whines? I've felt in his mouth, there are no inflamed gums, no pearly white teeth. So, if it is a new sound, the chances of this stopping soon are slim. Once Gumba tries out a new sound, he become addicted to it for two-three weeks. If we're lucky we'll hear cheerful baby sounds in about a week and a half. If he's overtired, I hope he learns to take longer naps. Any of you mothers remember such a thing happening?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Gumba is this Close
Friday, August 7, 2009
Leo Went to New Home

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Forest Fires...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A little bit of this and that
- Gumba was sick on Sunday, his first pucking experience. It of course came on before bedtime, so I got to worry all night long that he was dehydrated and would die, and it would be all my fault. Husband was of course at work through all of it.
- Gumba is still waking up many times a night. I am at such a loss. I'm starting to think he'll never ever sleep for longer then 3hrs and I'll be sleep deprived forever. The pediatrician told Gumba he was well on his way to having his prayers answered, he may end up being an only child. What happens if we hit the lottery more than once and get a child like this again?
- Oh, let's not forget that Sadie had the runny runny poops. I woke up three mornings in a row and had to clean her up. Ughh. Pets are wonderful, however when they're sick, it sucks.
For some much better news:
- I weighed Gumba the other day, and he is a hefty 19lbs 14oz. Now, remember that he is only 7 months old. I wonder what he'll weigh on his one year birthday.
- I bought an organic crib mattress for baby. It was very expensive, and I'm sure many will think I'm nuts, but I feel good about it. I know he's not inhaling fire retardants, and other, what may turn out to be, harmful chemicals.
- My friend Jenny had her baby!!! Hudson was born on Wednesday. Congratulations McCulloch family!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Listen to Gumba Screech!
Also, Gumba has just about mastered sitting up. It was amazing how quickly he caught on. I'm sure it had a lot to do with my mother-in-law taking the time to give him practice. As it turns out, I'm the slow learner. It took me watching Gumba hit his head on the hard floor three times before I figured out putting him on the bed first would be a good idea. Luckily his head has healed and he won't have any memories of how dumb his mother is.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Cute Video
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Most Precious Baby Ever
Monday, July 20, 2009
Husband is Home :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
New Things for Gumba
Friday, July 10, 2009
Finally, a Pedicure
1) Baby was too early and on my appointment date I was probably exhausted, unshowered, breastfeeding, and changing mountains of dirty diapers.
2) Husband ended up working on the day I was supposed to go in.
3) Gumba laid down for a nap, so did I. I woke up ten minutes after my appointment had started.
The universe is playing a sick game this time around also, but I've found a way to fool it. Husband is out with Forestry trying to keep a forest fire at bay and I have no idea when he'll be home. My appointment is tomorrow morning and I haven't heard for him for three days. So, I found a babysitter, and am just estatic. I hope the pedicure is all I've ever wished for. Not for a lady that treats my feets as if they would a lead brick.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
For Crying Out Loud
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy 4th
Friday, July 3, 2009
Jumperoo kicks a$$
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
So, ignore the tubes and the IV in his head. This is one of the best pics we have of Gumba after his was born. We didn't take many pics immediately after his birth, and had no idea most of our pics would be of him in intensive care. But he was still darling, and his head looked pretty normal after birth. I forgot to mention that he was 8lbs and 21.5inches when he was born, and yes, my dates were right. My in-laws grow 'em big before their born.